Revisions of python-bandit

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1133415 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 30)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1133137 from Petr Gajdos's avatar Petr Gajdos (pgajdos) (revision 29)
pmmu version update
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1100808 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 28)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 25)
- update to 1.7.5:
  * Added a bit more \`project\_urls\`
  * Check for github action updates monthly
  * Improve handling nosec for multi-line strings
  * Improve detecting SQL injections in f-strings
  * Correct build status badge in README
  * Fix breaking build due to new tox
  * DOC: Add explanation on how to use pre-commit with config
  * Add official Python 3.11 support
  * remove py2 exec example in docs
  * Typo fix
  * [docs] Mention \`exclude\_dirs\` option available in TOML and
  * Fix AttributeError on detect of tuple assign condition
  * Fix json and yaml formatters to respect num lines
  * Fixup some invalid pickle testing
  * Pass correct number of arguments to match the \`%s\`
  * Remove python 2 reference in docs
  * Fix filename of B202 in docs
  * weak\_cryptographic\_key assumes positional arg
  * Check for deprecated TLS 1.1
  * Adding tarfile.extractall() plugin with examples
  * Fix issue #453 jinja2 template select\_autoescape when using\_autoescape
  * Fix a false positive condition yaml\_load
  * Add case for global exec
  * Docs for request without timeout has dead link
  * Blacklist pandas read\_pickle and add functional test for it
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1031533 from Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) (revision 24)
baserev update by copy to link target
Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) committed (revision 23)
- Remove not needed python-six dependency
- Use autosetup instead of setup + patch
- More specific sitelib package in %files
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 962068 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 22)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 962061 from Petr Gajdos's avatar Petr Gajdos (pgajdos) (revision 21)
- version update to 1.7.4
  * Add 1.7.4 in issue template (#846)
  * core/config: Fix ConfigError missing argument if toml is missing (#845)
  * Add version 1.7.3 to dropdown (#833)
  * Fix traceback in hashlib\_insecure\_functions (#834)
  * Build of artifact fails if raw directive used (#831)
  * Center the bandit logo in readme (#823)
  * Target Python >= 3.7 in pre-commit hooks (#830)
  * Inaccurate message in hashlib check (#827)
  * Improve performance of linerange (#629)
  * Use CWE link in HTML formatter (#825)
  * Use versioned links to docs (#819)
  * Fix root doc for readthedocs (#818)
  * Fix up some warnings and errors in docs (#817)
  * Test on operating systems we can support (#804)
  * Cannot seek stdin on pipe (#496)
  * Respect color environment variables if set (#813)
  * Show usage with no arguments (#814)
  * Cleanup the README
  * Fix references to the default branch name (#810)
  * Better hashlib check for Python 3.9 (#805)
  * Check for hardcoded passwords in class attributes (#766)
  *  Add new plugin to check use of pyghmi (#803)
  * Remove redundant Python 3.6 code (#802)
  * Check value of usedforsecurity for hashlib (#798)
  * Change up how CWE is formatted (#788)
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 20)
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 19)
- update to 1.7.2:
  * Correctly define extras in \`setup.cfg\` (#755)
  * Remove leftover openstack code (#778)
  * Added snmp\_security check plugin for various SNMP checks (#403)
  * Fix README.rst (#365)
  * Fixup typo (#769)
  * Drop end-of-life Python 3.6 (#777)
  * Drop end-of-life Python 3.5 (#746)
  * Start using auto-formatters (#754)
  * Create FUNDING.yml (#774)
  * test\_help\_arg: remove assert on 'optional arguments' (#752)
  * Fix broken reported URL link for B107 (#751)

- update to 1.7.1:
  * fix reading initial values from .bandit
  * Always use a Loader in yaml.load
  * PEP-518 support: configure bandit via pyproject.toml
  * document that random.choices() isn't secure either
  * Fix syntax errors in bug report
  * Update bug\_report.yaml
  * Fix syntax error in bug report
  * Use new issue template format
  * Update README.rst
  * Mock part of python 3.x
  * Add license to package installation metadata
  * #694 Bandit fails when using importlib with named arguments
  * Add string options for severity and confidence
  * Add support for Python 3.9
  * Create config.yml
  * Add default labels to issues
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 927770 from Petr Gajdos's avatar Petr Gajdos (pgajdos) (revision 18)
- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
- added sources
  + _multibuild
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 877896 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 17)
baserev update by copy to link target
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) committed (revision 16)
- Update to 1.7.0:
  * Remove blacklist call to input() (#662) @ericwb
  * Remove universal support on the wheel (#655) @ericwb
  * Give some tips on how to resolve B101 in the doc (#616) @xuhdev
  * Don't show progress information on --quiet (#641) @fniessink
  * Add skip configuration to assert_used (#633) @wilbertom
  * Drop Python2 build, test, and install (#615) @ericwb
  * [FIX] blacklist: fix typo in import_ftplib (#601) @Yenthe666
  * Resolve 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id'Traceback in
    django_mark_safe (#598) @ehooo
  * Fix typo for activating venv (#590) @bavedarnow
  * Bump pyyaml (#588) @dosisod
  * Fix colorama not being disabled after being used (#586) @adambenali
  * Cleanup some typos in recent contributor guide (#585) @ericwb
  * [DOC] Support python3 venv creation (#583) @look4regev
  * Add sha1 to the list of insecure hashes (#561) @ericwb
  * Fix docs for B610,B611,B703 (#555) @amacfie
  * Add a section explaining "nosec" (#554) @exhuma
  * Add official support of Python 3.8 (#547) @ericwb
  * Ignore common directories by default (#544) @ericwb
  * Add shelve to the pickle blacklists (#542) @auscompgeek
  * Remove obsolete "sudo" keyword. (#538) @jugmac00
  * Update test requirements to latest versions (#535) @ericwb
  * Fix readme file on Extending Bandit on list things (#534) @Aurel10
  * fix the documentation file README.rst (#533) @Aurel10
  * Cleanup comments after #510 (#532) @florczakraf
  * Use SPDX license identifier instead of bulky headers (#530) @ericwb
  * fix B603 docstring (#524) @graingert
  * Add type checking to name node of hashlib_new (#516) @teeann
  * --exit-zero option (#510) @maciejstromich
  * Fix 3.8 errors (#509) @tylerwince
  * Add several ini options for .bandit file (#508) @vuolter
  * get_url returns different urls calling twice (bug #506) (#507) @ehooo
  * Replace setattr (#493) @tylerwince 
- Refresh remove-non-test-deps.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 871632 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 15)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 14)
- cli tool, don't build with multiple python versions
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 811559 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 13)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 12)
- drop oslosphinx dependency
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 748705 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 11)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 30
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