Revisions of vim

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1167771 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 850)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 849)
- update to 9.1.0330
- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch
 * v9.1.0327 contains an unrelated change
 * String interpolation fails for Dict type
 * CI fails with t_?? test
 * No support for using $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
 * filetype: some requirements files are not recognized
 * filetype: CMakeCache.txt files not recognized
 * Update base-syntax, fix nested function folding 
 * filetype: some json files are not recognized
 * include new compiler, use it for '*.custom.yaml' files 
 * filetype: cabal config files may not be recognized
 * don't set compiler, update a comment for vimdoc compiler 
 * filetype: some mail tools not recognized
 * Garbled output on serial terminals with XON/XOFF flow control
 * Recognise non-ASCII identifiers 
 * Wrong cursor position after using setcellwidths()
 * Using heredoc in string not tested with :execute
 * use explicit version tags for macos runners 
 * filetype: translate shell config files are not recognized
 * filetype: matplotlibrc files are not recognized
 * Update base-syntax, add legacy header folding
 * filetype: some sh and confini files not recognized
 * filetype: a few more dosini files are not recognized
 * Line continuation is not detected for 'set' command 
 * Vim9: Can define a class in a function
 * fix highlighting import string followed by some comment 
 * Crash when using heredoc with comment in command block
 * heredocs are not supported for :commands
 * filetype: Some config files are not recognized
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1166707 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 848)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 847)
- update to 9.1.0301 
 *  Vim9: heredoc start may be recognized in string
 *  Missing test for what patch v9.1.0285 fixes
 *  Vim9: return type not set for a lambda assigned to script var
 *  add runtime/doc/tags-* to ignore files 
 *  Updated translation 
 *  Update documentation
 *  Patch 9.1.0296 causes too many issues
 *  Fix a few issues with gvim.nsi
 *  regexp: engines do not handle case-folding well
 *  filetype: pip config files are not recognized
 *  Text height function does not respect it's argument
 *  filetype: lxqt config files are not recognized
 *  filetype: XDG mimeapps.list file is not recognized
 *  filetype: libreoffice config files are not recognized
 *  filetype: xilinx files are not recognized
 *  filetype: some TeX files are not recognized
 *  Vim9: comment may be treated as heredoc start
 *  Vim9: E1027 with defcompile for abstract methods
 *  Still problems with cursor position for CTRL-D/U
 *  fix inaccuracies in pandoc compiler 
 *  make testclean is not able to delete failed screendumps
 *  Update base-syntax, no curly-brace names in Vim9 script 
 *  Several small issues in doc and tests
 *  Finding highlighting attributes is inefficient
 *  Update cuda keywords, remove uncommonly used enumeration constants
 *  several issues with 'smoothscroll' support
 *  filetype: roc files are not recognized
 *  filetype: zathurarc files not recognized
 *  Cannot highlight the Command-line
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1164506 from Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) (revision 846)
baserev update by copy to link target
Martin Pluskal's avatar Martin Pluskal (pluskalm) accepted request 1163674 from Andreas Stieger's avatar Andreas Stieger (AndreasStieger) (revision 845)
- spec.skeleton: add sample check section (W: no-%check-section)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1155625 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 844)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 843)
- update to 9.1.0151
- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch
 *  ml_get_buf_len() does not consider text properties
 *  Several minor 'winfixbuf' issues
 *  Update Serbian messages 
 *  Recognize "__inline" 
 *  Update base-syntax, fix escaping :syn and :hi sub-groups 
 *  Update syntax file, fix issue #962 
 *  null pointer member access when accessing 'winfixbuf' property
 *  update syntax script
 *  Update base-syntax, fix issue #14135 
 *  Highlight the error message at *E1513*
 *  Update base-syntax, improve :augroup highlighting 
 *  Use unnamed register when clipboard not working 
 *  Vim9: can't call internal methods with objects
 *  Cannot keep a buffer focused in a window
 *  Updated Russian installer translation 
 *  Recognise text blocks 
 *  Update ftplugin, browsefilter labels 
 *  Improve the recognition of literals 
 *  v:echospace wrong with invalid value of 'showcmdloc'
 *  some improvements to getregion() docs 
 *  update "Last Change header", remove trailing whitespace
 *  handle file/dir symlinks specifically in tree mode
 *  v:echospace not correct when 'showcmdloc' != last
 *  getregion() needs more tests
 *  disable multiline_scalar detection by default
 *  [security]: autocmd causes use-after-free in set_curbuf()
 *  getregion() can be improved
 *  include runtime/syntax/testdir/ftplugin
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1148648 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 842)
baserev update by copy to link target
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1146766 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 840)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 839)
- update to 9.1.0111:
 *  filetype: no support for bats files
 *  filetype: add '' filetype detection
 *  runtime(asciidoc): include basic ftplugin
 *  filetype: no support for its files
 *  runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, remove unused vimString region
 *  runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, fix :behave highlighting
 *  runtime(vim): update Vim Syntax generator
 *  filetype: no support for dtso files
 *  Visual highlight hard to read with 'termguicolors'
 *  runtime(vim): include Vim Syntax generator
 *  Style: typos found
 *  Linking fails with -lto because of PERL_CFLAGS
 *  'breakindentopt' "min" not correct with 'signcolumn'
 *  settabvar() may change the last accessed tabpage
 *  upper-case of German sharp s should be U+1E9E
 *  Redrawing can be improved with undo and 'spell'
 *  Not able to use diff() with 'diffexpr'
 *  runtime(gpg): Mark dangerous use-embedded-filename with WarningMsg
 *  CompletionChanged not triggered when new leader added without matches
 *  'breakindent' behaves inconsistently with 'list' and splits
 *  runtime(vim): Update syntax file 
 *  diff() function uses 'diffexpr'
 *  tests: test_restricted() fails
 *  xxd: buffer-overflow when writing color output
 *  Still a qsort() comparison function that returns result of subtraction
 *  Compiler warning for missing type in scroll_event()
 *  Syntax test fails when run with non C locale
 *  Assigning wrong colors when parsing terminal OSC response
 *  runtime(vim): Fix indent after line with literal dict
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 838)
- update to 9.1.0041:
 *  xxd -i may generate incorrect C statements
 *  man on AIX does not understand -l
 *  add focus_follows_mouse and smart_qaps syntax keywords
 *  remove always from `focus_follows_mouse`
 *  minor changes to fix move cmd on windows 
 *  issue with prompt buffer and hidden buffer
 *  too vague errors for 'listchars'/'fillchars'
 *  Unnecessary loop in getvcol()
 *  Calling get_breakindent_win() repeatedly when computing virtcol
 *  include ftplugin, syntax and indent script 
 *  i_CTRL-] triggers InsertCharPre
 *  Window scrolls unexpectedly when 'scrollbind' is set
 *  Insert mode not stopped if closing prompt buffer modifies hidden buffer
 *  update fortran syntax 
 *  regenerate helptags, fix ci help tags job failing
 *  Cannot use terminal alternate font
 *  Replace non-breaking space with normal space 
 *  Use "*" browsefilter pattern to match "All Files"
 *  Cannot act on various terminal response codes
 *  Check help tags for errors (duplicates, missing, etc) 
 *  delete duplicate help tag E741 
 *  Vim is missing a foreach() func
 *  A few typos in tests and justify.vim
 *  xxd: few problems with EBCDIC for z/OS (MVS)
 *  Coverity complains about improper use of negative value
 *  i_CTRL-R- doesn't work for multibyte chars in Replace mode
 *  Vim9: cannot compile all methods in a class
 *  cmdline may disappear when changing 'cmdheight'
 *  use of #if instead of #ifdef
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1136291 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 837)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 836)
- update to 9.1.0000
 add missing help tags
 regenerate synmenu
 proto files need update
 improve filetype detection for *.v (V/Verilog/Coq)
 Update sh syntax and add local keyword for bash 
 Update ftplugin and omni-complete 
 Update Version9.txt for release 9.1 
 Add help tags to items in version9.txt 
 Updated German translation 
 Improve Turkish documentation 
 update syntax and documentation 
 Wrong display with 'briopt=sbr' and 'nobreakindent'
 Updates to indent and syntax
 Fix folding of code blocks
 Provide sass_recommended_style option
 Updates to ftplugin and syntax
 Make diffs foldable
 Add small ftplugin
 add Hungarian translation 
 Updated Russian translation 
 remove coveralls, move runtime/lang/Make_mvc.mak 
 correct the :public example 
 adjust tutor/ 
 Update Italian translations
 missing undo_ftplugin for indentkeys
 cursor wrong after { in single line buffer
 Visual not drawn with 'breakindent' when line doesn't fit
 add help tag multiple-constructors. 
 fix indentation
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1134416 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 835)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 834)
- update to 9.0.2181: 
 *  Vim9: missing error messages
 *  update helptags
 *  POSIX function name in exarg causes issues
 *  no filetype detection for execline scripts
 *  reg_executing() wrong for :normal with range
 *  Wrong cursor position when dragging out of window
 *  Update Serbian messages translation
 *  runtime(netrw): prevent E11 on FocusGained autocommand
 *  Update Japanese translation
 *  runtime(8th): updated 8th syntax
 *  change dependabot prefix to "CI"
 *  Update change.txt
 *  Compile error with Motif UI + mouse support
 *  Create Changelog until v9.0.2175
 *  Update Italian translations
 *  Update tmux syntax rules
 *  Update Turkish translations
 *  Compiler warning for uninitialized var
 *  update fortran syntax rules and doc notes
 *  Vim9: segfault when assigning to type
 *  remove deprecation warning for gdefault
 *  Vim9: crash when compiling for statement and non-existing type
 *  Vim9: compiling :defer may fail
 *  Updated Irish translation
 *  Update Logtalk runtime files for the latest language spec
 *  update Racket runtime files
 *  Update colorschemes
 *  The options[] array is still not sorted alphabetically
 *  Vim9: no support for const/final class/objects vars
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1131553 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 833)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 832)
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 831)
- update to 9.0.2146
 *  text-property without type errors when joining
 *  wrong scrolling in insert mode with smoothscroll
 *  Text properties causes wrong line wrapping
 *  disable the test_terminal_resize2() test for GH CI in gui mode
 *  [security]: buffer-overflow in ex_substitute
 *  [security]: stack-buffer-overflow in option callback functions
 *  [security]: buffer-overflow in suggest_trie_walk
 *  [security]: use-after-free in win-enter
 *  check that all files are listed in Filelist
 *  html.angular ft is problematic
 *  disable the test_terminal_resize() test for GH CI in GUI
 *  Overflow logic requires long long
 *  include several missing files
 *  Can't detect angular & mustache filetypes
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 850
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