Revisions of php-composer

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 537276 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 20)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) committed (revision 19)
- As long as we package the PHAR we do not need additional PEAR packages
  from external packages
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) committed (revision 18)
- version 1.5.2
  Full changelog:
  Besides many fixes and improvements, there are the following new functions
  * Added ability to call composer from within sub-directories of a project
  * Added support for Bitbucket API v2
  * Added support for GitLab API v4
  * Added support for GitLab sub-groups
  * Added COMPOSER_BINARY env var that is defined within the scope of a
    Composer run automatically with the path to the phar file
  * Capifony users beware: This release has output format tweaks
  * Improved baseline psr-4 autoloader performance for projects with many
    nested namespaces configured
  * Improved memory usage of dependency solver
  * Added --format json option to the outdated and show command
  * Added --ignore-filters flag to archive command to bypass 
    the .gitignore and co
  * Added support for outdated output without ansi colors
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) accepted request 530252 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 17)
- fix requires for php-pear-Console, so that php-composer can use 
  without php5-pear-symfony2-Console. It use now php7-pear-symfony2-Console
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 449326 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 16)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) committed (revision 14)
- version 1.2.1
  * Fixed edge case issues with the static autoloader
  * Minor fixes
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 428352 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 13)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) committed (revision 12)
version 1.2.0
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 407904 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 11)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) committed (revision 10)
upgrade to version 1.1.3
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 385977 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) accepted request 385116 from Jimmy Berry's avatar Jimmy Berry (boombatower) (revision 8)
- version 1.0.0
  * Added support for bitbucket-oauth configuration
  * Added warning when running composer as super user, set COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 to hide the warning if you really must
  * Added PluginManager::getGlobalComposer getter to retrieve the global instance (which can be null!)
  * Fixed dependency solver error reporting in many cases it now shows you proper errors instead of just saying a package does not exist
  * Fixed output of failed downloads appearing as 100% done instead of Failed
  * Fixed handling of empty directories when archiving, they are not skipped anymore
  * Fixed installation of broken plugins corrupting the vendor state when combined with symlinked path repositories
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 348019 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 7)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) accepted request 348017 from Jimmy Berry's avatar Jimmy Berry (boombatower) (revision 6)
Utilize php version agnostic packages to be compatible with php7.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 344677 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 5)
baserev update by copy to link target
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) accepted request 344453 from Klaus Kämpf's avatar Klaus Kämpf (kwk) (revision 4)
- Fix version: indicate alpha release via ~ (tilde)
- Add php5-json dependency
- version 1.0.0-alpha11
  * Added config.platform to let you specify what your target environment
    looks like and make sure you do not inadvertently install dependencies
    that would break it
  * Added exclude-from-classmap in the autoload config that lets you
    ignore sub-paths of classmapped directories, or psr-0/4 directories
    when building optimized autoloaders
  * Added path repository type to install/symlink packages from local paths
  * Added possibility to reference script handlers from within other
    handlers using @script-name to reduce duplication
  * Added suggests command to show what packages are suggested, use -v to
    see more details
  * Added content-hash inside the composer.lock to restrict the warnings
    about outdated lock file to some specific changes in the composer.json
  * Added archive-format and archive-dir config options to specify default
    values for the archive command
  * Added --classmap-authoritative to install, update, require, remove and
    dump-autoload commands, forcing the optimized classmap to be
  * Added -A / --with-dependencies to the validate command to allow
    validating all your dependencies recursively
  * Added --strict to the validate command to treat any warning as an
    error that then returns a non-zero exit code
  * Added a dependency on composer/semver, which is the externalized lib
    for all the version constraints parsing and handling
  * Added support for classmap autoloading to load plugin classes and
    script handlers
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 327175 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 3)
initialized devel package after accepting 327175
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) committed (revision 2)
Fixed download location
Cristian Rodríguez's avatar Cristian Rodríguez (elvigia) accepted request 315531 from Johannes Weberhofer's avatar Johannes Weberhofer (weberho) (revision 1)
The composer package for PHP. Please review.
Displaying revisions 61 - 80 of 80
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