Java runtime environment based on OpenJDK 6 and IcedTea 6

Edit Package java-1_6_0-openjdk

This Java 6 compatible Java Runtime Environment is based on OpenJDK 6
and IcedTea 6.

It contains a Java virtual machine, runtime class libraries, and an
Java application launcher that are necessary to run programs written in
the Java progamming language. It is not a development environment and
does not contain development tools such as compilers and debuggers. For
development tools, see the java-1_6_0-openjdk-devel package.

The Java 6 Runtime Environment is intended for software developers and
vendors who wish to redistribute their applications.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000417 417 Bytes 0000000203 203 Bytes 0000005955 5.82 KB
gcc-fno-common-fix-ecj.patch 0000005278 5.15 KB
gcc-fno-common-fix.patch 0000005238 5.12 KB 0000004617 4.51 KB
icedtea6-1.13.13-aarch64.patch 0000005282 5.16 KB
icedtea6-1.13.13-b44.patch 0000041725 40.7 KB
icedtea6-1.13.13.tar.xz 0004536860 4.33 MB
icedtea6-1.13.13.tar.xz.sig 0000000119 119 Bytes
icedtea6-1.13.5-add-zero-ports-ecj.patch 0000000882 882 Bytes
icedtea6-1.13.5-add-zero-ports.patch 0000000874 874 Bytes
implicit-fortify-decl-ecj.patch 0000000743 743 Bytes
implicit-fortify-decl.patch 0000000727 727 Bytes
java-1.6.0-openjdk-accessible-toolkit.patch 0000000764 764 Bytes
java-1.6.0-openjdk-java-access-bridge-security.patch 0000001118 1.09 KB
java-1.6.0-openjdk-optflags.patch 0000000342 342 Bytes
java-1_6_0-openjdk-rpmlintrc 0000001056 1.03 KB
java-1_6_0-openjdk-suse-desktop-files.patch 0000001131 1.1 KB
java-1_6_0-openjdk.changes 0000158057 154 KB
java-1_6_0-openjdk.spec 0000040445 39.5 KB
mauve-2008-10-22.tar.bz2 0002124326 2.03 MB
mauve_tests 0000108699 106 KB
new-kernel-ecj.patch 0000000478 478 Bytes
new-kernel.patch 0000000470 470 Bytes
no-preload.patch 0000001247 1.22 KB
no-return-nonvoid-ecj.patch 0000009603 9.38 KB
no-return-nonvoid.patch 0000009515 9.29 KB
no-sys-sysctl-ecj.patch 0000000685 685 Bytes
no-sys-sysctl.patch 0000000669 669 Bytes
openjdk-6-src-b09-gcc4-warningfixes.patch 0000001383 1.35 KB
openjdk-6-src-b14-no-return-in-nonvoid-function-ix86.patch 0000000254 254 Bytes
openjdk-6-src-b14-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch 0000001767 1.73 KB
openjdk-6-src-b14-undefined-operation.patch 0000000506 506 Bytes
openjdk-6-src-b17-no-efect.patch 0000002431 2.37 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-array-subscript-has-type-char.patch 0000001033 1.01 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-defined-but-not-used.patch 0000001767 1.73 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-gcj-workaround.patch 0000001648 1.61 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-initialized-after.patch 0000022030 21.5 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-may-be-used-uninitialized.patch 0000000855 855 Bytes
openjdk-6-src-b20-no-multiline-comments.patch 0000011823 11.5 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-no-werror.patch 0000003397 3.32 KB
openjdk-6-src-b20-stringcompare.patch 0000000720 720 Bytes
openjdk-6-src-b20-suggest-parentheses.patch 0000000824 824 Bytes
openjdk-6-src-b20-unused-variable.patch 0000007363 7.19 KB
openjdk-6-src-b24-zero-increase-stack-size.patch 0000002046 2 KB
openjdk-6-src-b32-no-return-in-nonvoid-function-ppc.patch 0000013219 12.9 KB
openjdk-6-src-b44-30_aug_2017-cleaned.tar.xz 0034512140 32.9 MB
openjdk-7-src-b147-awt-crasher.patch 0000001435 1.4 KB
openjdk-ecj-6-src-b20-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch 0000002181 2.13 KB
openjdk-ecj-6-src-b22-no-werror.patch 0000003039 2.97 KB
openjdk-libnsl-ecj.patch 0000003473 3.39 KB
openjdk-libnsl.patch 0000003417 3.34 KB
relocinfo-ecj.patch 0000000931 931 Bytes
relocinfo.patch 0000000923 923 Bytes
required-freetype-ecj.patch 0000005025 4.91 KB
required-freetype.patch 0000005017 4.9 KB
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