Validator for RELAX NG in Java

Edit Package jing.590

jing is an XML validator implemented in Java. It validates against the
RELAX NG schema language and implements the following features:

* RELAX NG 1.0 Specification
* RELAX NG Compact Syntax
* Parts of RELAX NG DTD Compatibility (checking of ID/IDREF/IDREFS)

It also comes with experimental support for schema languages other than

* W3C XML Schema (based on Xerces-J)
* Schematron
* Name Space Routing Language

Source Files
Filename Size Changed 0003207457 3.06 MB
jing-doc.tar.bz2 0000016598 16.2 KB
jing.changes 0000002323 2.27 KB
jing.script 0000000398 398 Bytes
jing.spec 0000002639 2.58 KB
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