
Edit Package gstreamer-plugins-ugly-codecs

This package contains well-written plug-ins that can't be shipped
in gstreamer-plugins-good or in distro gstreamer-plugins-ugly because:
- the license is not LGPL
- the license of the library is not LGPL
- there are possible licensing issues with the code.
Package provides the missing plugins from main distro
gstreamer-plugins-ugly package.
- Amr Narrow band encoder and decoder
- Amr Wide band decoder
- x264 encoder
- ASF muxer and demuxer

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000249 249 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000030 30 Bytes
gstreamer-plugins-ugly-codecs.spec 0000003707 3.62 KB
reduce-required-meson.patch 0000000426 426 Bytes
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