Library for Creation of Graphical User Interfaces (version 2)

Edit Package gtk2

This package is based on the package 'gtk2' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.

This fast and versatile library is used all over the world for all
libgnome (GNOME) applications, gimp (The GIMP), and several others.
Originally, version 1 was written for the GIMP and hence has the name
GIMP ToolKit. Many people like it because it is small, efficient, and
very configurable.

Most applications which used gtk (GTK1) have since switched to GTK2.
Besides a more flexible API, it provides improved text rendering using
pango (Pango) and many other goodies, but GTK+ 2 lacks compatibility
with GTK1, so to switch, programmers have to port applications to it.

To develop applications with gtk, you need the package gtk2-devel.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
CVE-2024-6655.patch 0000001016 1016 Bytes
README.SUSE 0000000992 992 Bytes
_service 0000000671 671 Bytes
automake-1.17.patch 0000000918 918 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000004411 4.31 KB
bugzilla-129753-gtk+-2.8.9-localize-font-style-name.diff 0000001923 1.88 KB
gtk-2.24.33.tar.xz 0009202552 8.78 MB
gtk-path-local.patch 0000002719 2.66 KB
gtk2-GTK_PATH64.patch 0000000458 458 Bytes
gtk2-bgo625202-30-bit-drawables-remain-black.patch 0000002443 2.39 KB
gtk2-bgo743166-remember-printing-authentication.patch 0000056650 55.3 KB
gtk2-bnc130159-bgo319483-async-selection-in-gtk-font-selection.diff 0000008564 8.36 KB
gtk2-check-attribute.patch 0000002591 2.53 KB
gtk2-default-printer.patch 0000001179 1.15 KB
gtk2-gcc14.patch 0000011534 11.3 KB
gtk2-rpmlintrc 0000000287 287 Bytes
gtk2-updateiconcache_sort.patch 0000002106 2.06 KB
gtk2.changes 0000160813 157 KB
gtk2.spec 0000022451 21.9 KB
gtkrc 0000000367 367 Bytes
macros.gtk2 0000001283 1.25 KB
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