shaderc for morons

Edit Package shaderc-moronic

This is the broken fork by mouthbreathing morons from PCSX2 and Duckstation projects who refuse to communicate outside of their circle-jerk clique unless to throw shit at passers-by.
Of course, they also had to force dependency on it to be shared and with the same name as the original.
See this for mental suffering:

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000658 658 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000020 20 Bytes
shaderc-20240728.feb2460.tar.xz 0004457704 4.25 MB
shaderc-Use-system-third-party-libs.patch 0000001720 1.68 KB
shaderc-changes_duckstation.patch 0000027101 26.5 KB
shaderc-moronicize.patch 0000013230 12.9 KB
shaderc.changes 0000010542 10.3 KB
shaderc.spec 0000004149 4.05 KB
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