
Edit Package mediastreamer2

A powerful and lightweighted streaming engine specialized for voice/video telephony applications.

It is the library that is responsible for all the receiving and sending of multimedia streams in linphone, including voice/video capture, encoding and decoding, and rendering.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
fix-build-ffmpeg5.patch 0000007594 7.42 KB
fix-srtp2-linphone.patch 0000001025 1 KB
fix_soversion.patch 0000000688 688 Bytes
mediastreamer2-5.3.37.tar.bz2 0022839379 21.8 MB
mediastreamer2-fix-pkgconfig.patch 0000000722 722 Bytes
mediastreamer2.changes 0000029191 28.5 KB
mediastreamer2.spec 0000007275 7.1 KB
set_current_version.patch 0000000436 436 Bytes
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