Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes

Edit Package python-tinyarray

Tinyarrays are similar to NumPy arrays, but optimized for small sizes.
Tinyarrays support mathematical operations like element-wise addition
and matrix multiplication. Tinyarrays can be used as dictionary keys
because they are hashable and immutable. Tinyarrays are useful if you
need many small arrays of numbers, and cannot combine them into a few
large ones. Common operations on very small arrays are faster than
with NumPy, and less memory is used to store them.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
python-tinyarray.changes 0000001583 1.55 KB
python-tinyarray.spec 0000002507 2.45 KB
tinyarray-1.2.4.tar.gz 0000037980 37.1 KB
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