bu -- a very simple backup tool

Edit Package bu

Have you ever edited a file, then realized, "Oh -- I should make a backup of that first." So you copy /etc/hosts to /etc/hosts.date_stamp, etc. That's what this tool does in an easy to use, consistent and simple way.

The command 'bu /etc/hosts' copies /etc/hosts to /etc/.bu_backups/hosts__2014.08.14-22:02:59.bz2. Conveniently date and time stamped in a naturally sortable way.

The command 'bu /etc' will create a tarball of /etc named in the same fashion: /.bu_backups/etc__2014.08.14-22:03:07.tar.bz2.

Multiple items can be specified at the same time: 'bu this that /the/other'

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