Files could not be expanded: home:garloff:OTC:cli-mitaka:python/python-d2to1: project 'home:garloff:OTC:cli-mitaka:python' does not exist

Minimal distutils2-like support for metadata via setup.cfg

Edit Package python-d2to1

d2to1 (the ‘d’ is for ‘distutils’) allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package’s metadata with a distribute/setuptools script. It works by providing a distutils2-formatted setup.cfg file containing all of a package’s metadata, and a very minimal which will slurp its arguments from the setup.cfg.

Note: distutils2 has been merged into the CPython standard library, where it is now known as ‘packaging’. This project was started before that change was finalized. So all references to distutils2 should also be assumed to refer to packaging.

Source Files

Sources could not be expanded: home:garloff:OTC:cli-mitaka:python/python-d2to1: project 'home:garloff:OTC:cli-mitaka:python' does not exist

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