SUS compiler
SUS is a new RTL Hardware Design Language, similar to Verilog or VHDL, that focuses on simplifying the development of high-performance computing FPGA accelerators, without sacrificing any design freedom at the altar of abstraction.
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osc -A checkout home:ila.embsys:suslang/sus-compiler && cd $_
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Source Files
Filename | Size | Changed |
0001-downgrade-rust.patch | 0000000365 365 Bytes | |
0002-do-not-install-sus-libs-to-bin-directory.patc |
0000001276 1.25 KB | |
PKGBUILD | 0000001522 1.49 KB | |
_service | 0000001520 1.48 KB | |
debian.changelog | 0000000448 448 Bytes | |
debian.compat | 0000000003 3 Bytes | |
debian.control | 0000000317 317 Bytes | |
debian.dsc | 0000000299 299 Bytes | |
debian.rules | 0000000963 963 Bytes | |
debian.series | 0000000078 78 Bytes | |
sus-compiler.changes | 0000000889 889 Bytes | |
sus-compiler.spec | 0000001263 1.23 KB | |
vendor.tar.zst | 0013557712 12.9 MB |
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