KDE System Guard daemon

Edit Package ksysguard5

This package contains the ksysguard daemon and application.

This package can be installed on servers without any other KDE packages
to enable monitoring them remotely with ksysguard.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Use-run-for-ksysguardd-s-pid-file.patch 0000000824 824 Bytes
ksysguard-5.22.0.tar.xz 0000521768 510 KB
ksysguard-5.22.0.tar.xz.sig 0000000488 488 Bytes
ksysguard5.changes 0000050153 49 KB
ksysguard5.spec 0000003828 3.74 KB
ksysguardd.service 0000000551 551 Bytes
plasma.keyring 0000037825 36.9 KB
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