Crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs

Edit Package crowdsec

CrowdSec is a free, modern & collaborative behavior detection engine, coupled with a global IP reputation network. It stacks on fail2ban's philosophy but is IPV6 compatible and 60x faster (Go vs Python), it uses Grok patterns to parse
logs and YAML scenarios to identify behaviors. CrowdSec is engineered for modern Cloud / Containers / VM-based infrastructures (by decoupling detection and remediation). Once detected you can remedy threats with various bouncers
(firewall block, nginx http 403, Captchas, etc.) while the aggressive IP can be sent to CrowdSec for curation before being shared among all users to further improve everyone's security.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000727 727 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000239 239 Bytes
crowdsec-1.6.5.obscpio 0006813197 6.5 MB
crowdsec.changes 0000015846 15.5 KB
crowdsec.obsinfo 0000000097 97 Bytes
crowdsec.service 0000000800 800 Bytes
crowdsec.spec 0000006743 6.58 KB
prepare-crowdsec 0000000514 514 Bytes
suse-config.patch 0000000733 733 Bytes
vendor.tar.gz 0016629069 15.9 MB
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