A simple, low-level http library for Go

Edit Package go-httplib.go

httplib.go is a simple extension of Go's http client that provides keep-alive
connections and generic requests. This is a small usage example:

//get the google home page
c := new(httplib.Client)
resp, err := c.Request ("http://google.com", "GET", nil, "")
data := ioutil.ReadAll( resp.Body )

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
go-httplib.go.changes 0000000504 504 Bytes
go-httplib.go.spec 0000001794 1.75 KB
httplib.go-0.0.0+git20110915.tar.bz2 0000002965 2.9 KB
rpmlintrc 0000000163 163 Bytes
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