php5: Update fixes several security issues
php5 was updated to fix several security issues.
These issues were fixed:
* Performance degradation by too many file_printf calls (CVE-2014-0237)
* DoS in Fileinfo component (CVE-2014-0238)
* NULL pointer dereference in GD XPM decoder (CVE-2014-2497)
* Privilege escalation due to insecure default config (CVE-2014-0185)
Submitted by
Petr Gajdos (pgajdos)
Fixed bugs
VUL-1: CVE-2014-0237: php5,php53: Performance degradation by too many file_printf calls
VUL-0: CVE-2014-0238: php5, php53: DoS in Fileinfo component
VUL-1: CVE-2014-2497: php53,php5,gd: NULL ptr deref in GD XPM decoder
VUL-1: CVE-2014-0185: php53: php-fpm: privilege escalation due to insecure default config