Recommended update for timezone, timezone-java

The timezone database was updated to 2015e: [boo#934654]

* Morocco will suspend DST from 2015-06-14 03:00 through 2015-07-19 02:00, not 06-13 and 07-18 as guessed.
* Assume Cayman Islands will observe DST starting next year, using US rules.
* The file '' now uses UTF-8
* When displaying data, tzselect converts it to the current locale's encoding if the iconv command works.
* tzselect no longer mishandles Dominica, fixing a bug introduced in Release 2014f.
* zic -l no longer fails when compiled with -DTZDEFAULT=\"/etc/localtime\", regression from 2014f.

Fixed bugs
2015e timezone update
Selected Binaries
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