Recommended update for Docker, Go, golang-github-russross-blackfriday and golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man

This recommended update for Docker, go, golang-github-russross-blackfriday and golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man provides the following fixes and improvements:
- Docker
+ Update from version 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
* introduce go_arches for architectures that use the go compiler instead of gcc-go
* enable build for aarch64
* Runtime
- Experimental feature: support for out-of-process volume plugins
- The userland proxy can be disabled in favor of hairpin NAT using the daemon’s `--userland-proxy=false` flag
- The `exec` command supports the `-u|--user` flag to specify the new process owner
- Default gateway for containers can be specified daemon-wide using the `--default-gateway` and `--default-gateway-v6` flags
- The CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota can be set in `docker run` using `--cpu-quota`
- Container block IO can be controlled in `docker run` using`--blkio-weight`
- ZFS support
- The `docker logs` command supports a `--since` argument
- UTS namespace can be shared with the host with `docker run --uts=host`
* Quality
- Networking stack was entirely rewritten as part of the libnetwork effort
- Engine internals refactoring
- Volumes code was entirely rewritten to support the plugins effort
- Sending SIGUSR1 to a daemon will dump all goroutines stacks without exiting
* Build
- Support ${variable:-value} and ${variable:+value} syntax for environment variables
- Support resource management flags `--cgroup-parent`, `--cpu-period`, `--cpu-quota`, `--cpuset-cpus`, `--cpuset-mems`
- git context changes with branches and directories
- The .dockerignore file support exclusion rules
* Distribution
- Client support for v2 mirroring support for the official registry
* Bugfixes
- Firewalld is now supported and will automatically be used when available
- mounting --device recursively
* Build docker on PPC and S390x using gcc-go provided by gcc5
- added sysconfig.docker.ppc64le: make docker daemon start on ppc64le despite some iptables issues. To be removed soon
- ignore-dockerinit-checksum.patch: applied only when building with gcc-go. Required to workaround a limitation of gcc-go
- gcc-go-build-static-libgo.patch: used only when building with gcc-go, link libgo statically into docker itself.
* build and install man pages
+ * re-enable debug_packge/debug_install_post macros from goprep()
+ * add ldflags to gobuild() to compute BUILD ID for debuginfo package * Revert change prohibiting mounting into /sys
+ Get rid of SocketUser and SocketGroup workarounds for docker.socket

- Go
+ Update from version 1.3.3 to 1.4.2
* macros.go:
- fix missing quotes in %goinstall (bsc#939067)
- fix "summary-not-capitalized"
- doc can't properly describe what the sub-package really is,
and they're mostly source codes instead of the claimed "API,
documentation, and examples". so rename to *-source. and not
recommend to install them to save users' disk space.
- %%go_requires should be handled automatically by golang-packaging
- not recommend to install source package any more,
so %%go_recommmends set to nil.
- add a "WITH_FAKE_BUILDID" option to enable the fake build ID compution.
- to fake build ID, you have to make sure your package has only one binary. It is nonsense that two or more nonidentical binaries have the same build ID.
- re-enable debug_packge/debug_install_post macros from goprep()
- add ldflags to gobuild() to compute BUILD ID for debuginfo package
* cmd/ld: set alignment for the .rel.plt section on 32-bit architectures
* go itself doesn't support BUILD ID yet
* force Go to look for certificates only in the locations available on openSUSE and SLE. Also ensure certificates are found on SLE11
* This fixes i586 builds for openSUSE:Factory:
- Too many levels of recursion in macro expansion
- Failed to write file: invalid section alignment
* Added Obsoletes for go-vim/emacs, they went to separate projects
* Fix dangling-symlink /usr/lib64/go/src/pkg /usr/share/go/src/pkg
* Support of editors has been dropped

- golang-org-x-text
+ Initial update with version 1.4.2
* x-test holds supplementary Go libraries for text processing, many involving Unicode.

- golang-org-x-net
+ Initial update with version 1.4.2
* x-net contains additional libraries such as the websocket and SPDY protocols that are developed by the Go team but outside of the main source tree.

- golang-github-russross-blackfriday
+ Initial update with version 1.2
* blackfriday is a Markdown processor implemented in Go. It is paranoid about its input (so you can safely feed it user-supplied data), it is fast, it supports common extensions (tables, smart punctuation substitutions, etc.), and it is safe for all utf-8 (unicode) input.
* HTML output is currently supported, along with Smartypants extensions. An experimental LaTeX output engine is also included.

- golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man
+ Initial update with version 1.0.2
* Tool to converts markdown into man pages

Fixed bugs
Fix regression introduced by docker 1.6.1
Upgrade to docker 1.7.0
Build failure when debugedit tool fails to recognise .debug_gdb_scripts debug section
TLS client authentication issue fixed in version 1.3.2
On OBS, %goinstall does something weired with find
Selected Binaries
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