Recommended update for timezone

This update provides the latest time zone definitions for your system (2016i), incorporating the following changes:

- Pacific/Tongatapu begins DST on 2016-11-06 at 02:00, ending on 2017-01-15 at 03:00. [boo#1007725]
- Northern Cyprus is now +03 year round, causing a split in Cyprus time zones starting 2016-10-30 at 04:00. This creates a zone Asia/Famagusta [boo#1007726]
- Antarctica/Casey switched from +08 to +11 on 2016-10-22
- Corrections to pre-1975 timestamps in Italy

Fixed bugs
timezone: Cyprus split into two time zones
timezone: Tonga will observe DST from 2016-11-06
Selected Binaries
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