Recommended update for tmux

This update for tmux fixes the following issues:

- New option 'pane-border-status' to add text in the pane borders.
- Support for hooks on commands: 'after' and 'before' hooks.
- 'source-file' understands '-q' to suppress errors for nonexistent files.
- Lots of UTF8 improvements, especially on MacOS.
- 'window-status-separator' understands #[] expansions.
- 'split-window' understands '-f' for performing a full-width split.
- Allow report count to be specified when using 'bind-key -R'.
- 'set -a' for appending to user options (@foo) is now supported.
- 'display-panes' can now accept a command to run, rather than always selecting the pane.
- Add correct systemd requires. (boo#976922)
- The format strings which referenced time have been removed.
Instead: #{t:window_activity} can be used.
- Support for TMPDIR has been removed. Use TMUX_TMPDIR instead.
- UTF8 detection how happens automatically if the client supports it,
hence the mouse-utf8, utf8 options has been removed.
- The mouse_utf8_flag format string has been removed.
- The -I option to show-messages has been removed.
See #{t:start_time} format option instead.
- Panes are unzoomed with selectp -LRUD.
- New formats added.
- Job output is run via the format system, so formats work again.
- If display-time is set to 0, then the indicators wait for a key to be pressed.
- list-keys and list-commands can be run without starting the tmux server.
- kill-session learns -C to clear all alerts in all windows of the session.
- Support for hooks (internal for now), but hooks for the following have been implemented:
- RGB (24bit) color support.
The 'Tc' flag must be set in the external TERM entry (using terminal-overrides or a custom terminfo entry).
- Bash completion is now removed and provided by instead.
- Cleanup specfile.
- Enable bash-completion support.
- Mouse-mode has been rewritten. There's now no longer options for:
- mouse-resize-pane
- mouse-select-pane
- mouse-select-window
- mode-mouse
Instead there is just one option: 'mouse' which turns on mouse support
- 'default-terminal' is now a session option. Furthermore, if this is set
to 'screen-*' then emulate what screen does. If italics are wanted, this
can be set to 'tmux' but this is still new and not necessarily supported
on all platforms with older ncurses installs.
- The c0-* options for rate-limiting have been removed. Instead, a backoff
approach is used.
- New formats:
- session_activity
- window_linked
- window_activity_format
- session_alerts
- session_last_attached
- client_pid
- pid
- 'copy-selection', 'append-selection', 'start-named-buffer' now understand
an '-x' flag to prevent it exiting copying mode.
- 'select-pane' now understands '-P' to set window/pane background colors.
- 'renumber-windows' now understands windows which are unlinked.
- 'bind' now understands multiple key tables. Allows for key-chaining.
- 'select-layout' understands '-o' to undo the last layout change.
- The environment is updated when switching sessions as well as attaching.
- 'select-pane' now understands '-M' for marking a pane. This marked pane
can then be used with commands which understand src-pane specifiers
- If a session/window target is prefixed with '=' then only an exact match
is considered.
- 'move-window' understands '-a'.
- 'update-environment' understands '-E' when attach-session is used on an
already attached client.
- 'show-environment' understands '-s' to output Bourne-compatible commands.
- New option: 'history-file' to save/restore command prompt history.
- Copy mode is exited if the history is cleared whilst in copy-mode.
- 'copy-mode' learned '-e' to exit copy-mode when scrolling to end.

Fixed bugs
package tmux: installation error
Selected Binaries
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