Software Stack for AMD GPU

Machine Learning and High Performance Computing Software Stack for AMD GPU
ROCm Binary Package Structure

ROCm is a collection of software ranging from drivers and runtimes to libraries and developer tools. In AMD’s package distributions, these software projects are provided as separate packages. This allows users to install only the packages they need, if they do not wish to install all of ROCm.

ROCm Core Components

* ROCk Kernel Driver: rock-dkms rock-dkms-firmware
* ROCr Runtime: hsa-rocr-devel
* ROCt Thunk Interface: hsakmt-roct, hsakmt-roct-devel

ROCm Support Software

* ROCm SMI: rocm-smi
* ROCm cmake: rocm-cmake
* rocminfo: rocminfo
* ROCm Bandwidth Test: rocm_bandwidth_test

ROCm Compilers

* Clang compiler: llvm-amdgpu
* HIP: hip_base, hip_doc, hip_rocclr, hip_samples
* ROCM Clang-OCL Kernel Compiler: rocm-clang-ocl

ROCm Device Libraries

* ROCm Device Libraries: rocm-device-libs
* ROCm OpenCL: rocm-opencl, rocm-opencl-devel

ROCm Development ToolChain

* Asynchronous Task and Memory Interface (ATMI): atmi
* ROCm Debug Agent: rocm_debug_agent
* ROCm Code Object Manager: comgr
* ROC Profiler: rocprofiler-devel
* ROC Tracer: roctracer-devel

ROCm Libraries

* rocALUTION: rocalution
* rocBLAS: rocblas
* hipBLAS: hipblas
* hipCUB: hipCUB
* rocFFT: rocfft
* rocRAND: rocrand
* rocSPARSE: rocsparse
* hipSPARSE: hipsparse
* ROCm SMI Lib: rocm-smi-lib64
* rocThrust: rocThrust
* MIOpen: MIOpen-HIP (for the HIP version), MIOpen-OpenCL (for the OpenCL version)
* MIOpenGEMM: miopengemm
* MIVisionX: mivisionx
* RCCL: rccl

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Comments 1

Luciano Santos's avatar

ROCm stack is hard to package, because CMake build scripts has many hard coded paths - /opt - and other wrong assumptions.

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