File fix-disconnect-detection.diff of Package python-SQLAlchemy
--- lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/
+++ lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/
@@ -368,24 +368,29 @@
return ([], opts)
def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor):
- if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.OperationalError):
- # these error messages from libpq: interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c.
- # TODO: these are sent through gettext in libpq and we can't
- # check within other locales - consider using connection.closed
- return 'terminating connection' in str(e) or \
- 'closed the connection' in str(e) or \
- 'connection not open' in str(e) or \
- 'could not receive data from server' in str(e)
- elif isinstance(e, self.dbapi.InterfaceError):
- # psycopg2 client errors, psycopg2/conenction.h, psycopg2/cursor.h
- return 'connection already closed' in str(e) or \
- 'cursor already closed' in str(e)
- elif isinstance(e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError):
- # not sure where this path is originally from, it may
- # be obsolete. It really says "losed", not "closed".
- return "losed the connection unexpectedly" in str(e)
- else:
- return False
+ if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error):
+ str_e = str(e).partition("\n")[0]
+ for msg in [
+ # these error messages from libpq: interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c
+ # and interfaces/libpq/fe-secure.c.
+ # TODO: these are sent through gettext in libpq and we can't
+ # check within other locales - consider using connection.closed
+ 'terminating connection',
+ 'closed the connection',
+ 'connection not open',
+ 'could not receive data from server',
+ 'could not send data to server',
+ # psycopg2 client errors, psycopg2/conenction.h, psycopg2/cursor.h
+ 'connection already closed',
+ 'cursor already closed',
+ # not sure where this path is originally from, it may
+ # be obsolete. It really says "losed", not "closed".
+ 'losed the connection unexpectedly'
+ ]:
+ idx = str_e.find(msg)
+ if idx >= 0 and '"' not in str_e[:idx]:
+ return True
+ return False
dialect = PGDialect_psycopg2