File fix-powermanagement-status.dif of Package cobbler.3314

Index: cobbler-2.6.6/cobbler/
--- cobbler-2.6.6.orig/cobbler/
+++ cobbler-2.6.6/cobbler/
@@ -104,17 +104,15 @@ class PowerTool:
             if rc == 0:
                 # If the desired state is actually a query for the status
                 # return different information than command return code
+                # fence-agents have the following return codes on status
+                # 0 == on
+                # 2 == off
+                # else == Error / Unknown
                 if desired_state == 'status':
-                    match = re.match('(^Status:\s)(on|off)', output, re.IGNORECASE)
-                    if match:
-                        power_status = match.groups()[1]
-                        if power_status.lower() == 'on':
-                            return True
-                        else:
-                            return False
-                    utils.die(self.logger,"command succeeded (rc=%s), but output ('%s') was not understood" % (rc, output))
-                    return None
+                    return True
+            elif rc == 2 and desired_state == 'status':
+                return False
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