File kernel-spec-macros of Package kernel-source.5300

# This file is included by all the kernel-*.spec files

# Build with bash instead of sh as the shell: this turns on bash
# extensions like <(...).
%define _buildshell /bin/bash

%define using_buildservice	0%{?opensuse_bs}

# source_rel is the package release string, without the rebuild counter
# generated by the build service. If the release string has a non-digit
# suffix, we keep that suffix and strip the rightmost digit component.
# This is used in KOTD builds: 2.1.g1234567 -> 2.g1234567
# In PTF projects, there is no rebuild counter, so we leave the release
# string intact.
%define source_rel %release
%define obsolete_rebuilds() %nil
%if %using_buildservice && ! 0%{?is_ptf}
%define source_rel %(echo %release | sed -r 's/\\.[0-9]+($|\\.[^.]*[^.0-9][^.]*$)/\\1/')
# If the rebuild counter is > 1, obsolete all previous rebuilds (boo#867595)
%define obsolete_rebuilds() %( %{verbose:set -x} \
	set -- $(echo %release | sed -rn 's/(.*\\.)([0-9]+)($|\\.[^.]*[^.0-9][^.]*$)/\\1 \\2 \\3/p') \
	if test -n "$2" && test "$2" -gt 99; then echo "warning: Rebuild counter too high in %release" >&2; exit 0; fi \
	seq 1 $(($2-1)) | sed "s/.*/Obsoletes: %1 = %version-$1&$3/" \

# how the kernel release string (uname -r) should look like
%define kernelrelease %patchversion-%source_rel

%define my_builddir %_builddir/%{name}-%{version}

# macro to add the source timestamp to package descriptions
%define source_timestamp %(sed '1s/^/Source Timestamp: /' %_sourcedir/source-timestamp || :)

# vim: ft=spec
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