File SUSEConnect.8 of Package SUSEConnect.26640

.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.TH "SUSECONNECT" "8" "March 2022" "" "SUSEConnect"
\fBSUSEConnect\fR \- SUSE Customer Center registration tool
\fBSUSEConnect [<optional>\.\.\.] \-p PRODUCT\fR
Register SUSE Linux Enterprise installations with the SUSE Customer Center\. Registration allows access to software repositories (including updates) and allows online management of subscriptions and organizations\.
By default, SUSEConnect registers the base SUSE Linux Enterprise product installed on a system\. It can also be used to register extensions and modules\.
To register an extension or a module, use the \fB\-\-product <PRODUCT\-IDENTIFIER>\fR option together with the product identifier of the extension or module\. You can see a list of all available extensions and modules for your system by using the \fB\-\-list\-extensions\fR option\.
Manage subscriptions at the SUSE Customer Center: https://scc\.suse\.com
\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-product <PRODUCT>\fR
Specify a product for activation/deactivation\. Only one product can be processed at a time\. Defaults to the base SUSE Linux Enterprise product on this system\. Product identifiers can be obtained with \fB\-\-list\-extensions\fR\. Format: \fIname\fR/\fIversion\fR/\fIarchitecture\fR
\fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-regcode <REGCODE>\fR
Subscription registration code for the product to be registered\. Relates that product to the specified subscription and enables software repositories for that product\.
\fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-de\-register\fR
De\-registers the system and base product, or in conjunction with \-\-product, a single extension, and removes all its services installed by SUSEConnect\. After de\-registration, the system no longer consumes a subscription slot in SCC\.
List all extensions and modules available for installation on this system\.
\fB\-\-instance\-data <path to file>\fR
Path to the XML file holding the public key and instance data for cloud registration with SMT\.
\fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-email <email>\fR
Email address for product registration\.
\fB\-\-url <URL>\fR
URL of registration server (e\.g\. https://scc\.suse\.com)\.
\fB\-\-namespace <NAMESPACE>\fR
Namespace option for use with SMT staging environments\.
\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-status\fR
Get current system registration status in json format\.
Get current system registration status in text format\.
Send a keepalive call to the registration server, so it can detect which systems are still running\.
Write options to config file at /etc/SUSEConnect\.
Remove old system credentials and all zypper services installed by SUSEConnect\.
Revert the registration state in case of a failed migration\.
\fB\-\-root <PATH>\fR
Path to the root folder, uses the same parameter for zypper\.
Print program version\.
Provide debug output\.
\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
Show help message\.
SUSEConnect sets the following exit codes:
.IP "\(bu" 4
0: Registration successful
.IP "\(bu" 4
64: Connection refused
.IP "\(bu" 4
65: Access error, e\.g\. files not readable
.IP "\(bu" 4
66: Parser error: Server JSON response was not parseable
.IP "\(bu" 4
67: Server responded with error: see log output
.IP "" 0
\fBsuse_register \-a email=<email> \-a regcode\-sles=<regcode> \-L <logfile>\fR
\fBSUSEConnect \-\-url <registration\-server\-url> \-r <regcode> >> <logfile>\fR
SUSEConnect can also be used to register systems with a local SUSE registration proxy (RMT/SMT) instead of the SUSE Customer Center\. Use \fBSUSEConnect \-\-url <registration\-proxy\-server\-url>\fR to register systems with RMT/SMT\.
SUSEConnect is implemented in Ruby\. It communicates with the registration server using a RESTful JSON API over HTTP using TLS encryption\.
SUSEConnect respects the HTTP_PROXY environment variable\. See https://www\.suse\.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000017441 for more details on how to manually configure proxy usage\.
Configuration file containing server URL, regcode and language for registration\.
SUSE Linux Products GmbH (\fIscc\-feedback@suse\.de\fR)
SUSE Customer Center: https://scc\.suse\.com
SUSEConnect on GitHub: https://github\.com/SUSE/connect
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