File log4j.spec of Package log4j.22289

# spec file for package log4j
# Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

Name:           log4j
Version:        2.17.0
Release:        0
Summary:        Java logging package
License:        Apache-2.0
URL:  {name}
Patch1:         logging-log4j-Remove-unsupported-EventDataConverter.patch
#PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM bsc#1194127 Remote code execution via JDBC Appender
Patch2:         log4j-CVE-2021-44832.patch
BuildRequires:  fdupes
BuildRequires:  maven-local
BuildRequires:  mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations)
BuildRequires:  mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core)
BuildRequires:  mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind)
BuildRequires:  mvn(com.lmax:disruptor)
BuildRequires:  mvn(com.sun.mail:javax.mail)
BuildRequires:  mvn(commons-logging:commons-logging)
BuildRequires:  mvn(jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.apache.commons:commons-compress)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.apache.logging:logging-parent:pom:)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.fusesource.jansi:jansi)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.jctools:jctools-core)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.osgi:osgi.core)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api)
BuildRequires:  mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-ext)
Obsoletes:      log4j-mini
BuildArch:      noarch

Log4j is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a
variety of output targets.

%package slf4j
Summary:        Binding between LOG4J 2 API and SLF4J

%description slf4j
Binding between LOG4J 2 API and SLF4J.

%package jcl
Summary:        Apache Log4j Commons Logging Bridge

%description jcl
Apache Log4j Commons Logging Bridge.

%package        javadoc
Summary:        API documentation for %{name}
Obsoletes:      %{name}-manual < %{version}

%description    javadoc

%setup -q -n apache-%{name}-%{version}-src
%autopatch -p1

%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-site-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-remote-resources-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-doap-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-source-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-toolchains-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin -r :revapi-maven-plugin

# remove all the stuff we'll build ourselves
find -name "*.jar" -o -name "*.class" -delete
rm -rf docs/api

%pom_disable_module %{name}-distribution
%pom_disable_module %{name}-samples

# Apache Flume is not in openSUSE yet
%pom_disable_module %{name}-flume-ng

# artifact for upstream testing of log4j itself, shouldn't be distributed
%pom_disable_module %{name}-perf

# needs java 9 to build
%pom_disable_module %{name}-api-java9
%pom_disable_module %{name}-core-java9
%pom_remove_dep -r :%{name}-api-java9
%pom_remove_dep -r :%{name}-core-java9
%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-dependency-plugin

# unavailable com.conversantmedia:disruptor
rm log4j-core/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/async/
%pom_remove_dep -r com.conversantmedia:disruptor

# kafka not available
rm -r log4j-core/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/appender/mom/kafka
%pom_remove_dep -r :kafka-clients

# liquibase not available
%pom_disable_module %{name}-liquibase

# we don't have slf4j 1.8 yet
%pom_disable_module %{name}-slf4j18-impl

# we don't have commons-dbcp2
%pom_disable_module %{name}-jdbc-dbcp2

# We do not have mongodb
%pom_disable_module %{name}-mongodb3
%pom_disable_module %{name}-mongodb4

# System scoped dep provided by JDK
%pom_remove_dep :jconsole %{name}-jmx-gui
%pom_add_dep sun.jdk:jconsole %{name}-jmx-gui

# old AID is provided by felix, we want osgi-core
%pom_change_dep -r org.osgi:org.osgi.core org.osgi:osgi.core

# BOM package shouldn't require Apache RAT
%pom_remove_plugin :apache-rat-plugin %{name}-bom

# tests are disabled
%pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-failsafe-plugin

%pom_disable_module %{name}-taglib
%pom_disable_module %{name}-jmx-gui
%pom_disable_module %{name}-bom
%pom_disable_module %{name}-web
%pom_disable_module %{name}-iostreams
%pom_disable_module %{name}-jul
%pom_disable_module %{name}-core-its
%pom_disable_module %{name}-jpa
%pom_disable_module %{name}-couchdb
%pom_disable_module %{name}-cassandra
%pom_disable_module %{name}-appserver
%pom_disable_module %{name}-spring-boot
%pom_disable_module %{name}-spring-cloud-config
%pom_disable_module %{name}-kubernetes
%pom_disable_module %{name}-jpl

%pom_remove_dep -r :jackson-dataformat-yaml
%pom_remove_dep -r :jackson-dataformat-xml
%pom_remove_dep -r :woodstox-core
%pom_remove_dep -r :javax.persistence
%pom_remove_dep -r :jboss-jms-api_1.1_spec
%pom_remove_dep -r :jeromq
%pom_remove_dep -r :commons-csv

rm -r log4j-core/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/{jackson,config/yaml,parser}
rm -r log4j-core/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/appender/{db,mom,nosql}
rm log4j-core/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/layout/*{Csv,Jackson,Xml,Yaml,Json,Gelf}*.java
rm log4j-1.2-api/src/main/java/org/apache/log4j/builders/layout/*Xml*.java
rm log4j-api/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/util/
rm -r log4j-1.2-api/src/main/java/org/apache/log4j/or/jms

%{mvn_alias} :%{name}-1.2-api %{name}:%{name}

# Note that packages using the compatibility layer still need to have log4j-core
# on the classpath to run. This is there to prevent build-classpath from putting
# whole dir on the classpath which results in loading incorrect provider
%{mvn_file} ':{%{name}-1.2-api}' %{name}/@1 %{name}

%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-slf4j-impl' slf4j
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-to-slf4j' slf4j
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-taglib' taglib
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-jcl' jcl
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-jmx-gui' jmx-gui
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-web' web
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-bom' bom
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-cassandra' nosql
%{mvn_package} ':%{name}-couchdb' nosql

%{mvn_package} :log4j-core-its __noinstall

# missing test deps (mockejb)
%{mvn_build} -f -- -Dsource=8

%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}

%files -f .mfiles
%dir %{_javadir}/%{name}
%license LICENSE.txt
%doc NOTICE.txt

%files slf4j -f .mfiles-slf4j

%files jcl -f .mfiles-jcl

%files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc
%license LICENSE.txt
%doc NOTICE.txt

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