File petsc.spec of Package petsc.15535

# spec file for package petsc
# Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

%global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil}

%define pname petsc
%define vers 3.12.2
%define _vers 3_12_2
%define so_ver 3
%define openblas_vers 0.3.6

ExcludeArch:    s390 s390x

# Fails to link during configure, as it omits SuperLU from the link libraries
%bcond_with hypre
# Only available as openmpi flavor, and not in Factory
%bcond_with pastix

%if 0%{?sle_version} >= 150200
%define DisOMPI1 ExclusiveArch:  do_not_build
%if !0%{?is_opensuse} && 0%{?sle_version:1} && 0%{?sle_version} < 150200
%define DisOMPI3 ExclusiveArch:  do_not_build

%if "%flavor" == ""
ExclusiveArch:  do_not_build

%if "%flavor" == "doc"
%define makedoc 1
BuildArch:      noarch
%{bcond_with hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "serial"
%{bcond_with hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "openmpi"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define mpi_vers 1
%{bcond_with hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "openmpi2"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define mpi_vers 2
%{bcond_with hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "openmpi3"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define mpi_vers 3
%{bcond_with hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "mvapich2"
%define mpi_family mvapich2
%{bcond_with hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu-openmpi-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%undefine c_f_ver
%define mpi_vers 1
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu-openmpi2-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%undefine c_f_ver
%define mpi_vers 2
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu-openmpi3-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%undefine c_f_ver
%define mpi_vers 3
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu-mvapich2-hpc"
%define mpi_family mvapich2
%define compiler_family gnu
%undefine c_f_ver
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu-mpich-hpc"
%define mpi_family mpich
%define compiler_family gnu
%undefine c_f_ver
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu7-openmpi-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 7
%define mpi_vers 1
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu7-openmpi2-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 7
%define mpi_vers 2
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu7-openmpi3-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 7
%define mpi_vers 3
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu7-mvapich2-hpc"
%define mpi_family mvapich2
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 7
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu7-mpich-hpc"
%define mpi_family mpich
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 7
%{bcond_without hpc}
%if "%flavor" == "gnu8-openmpi-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 8
%define mpi_vers 1
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu8-openmpi2-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 8
%define mpi_vers 2
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu8-openmpi3-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 8
%define mpi_vers 3
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu8-mvapich2-hpc"
%define mpi_family mvapich2
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 8
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu8-mpich-hpc"
%define mpi_family mpich
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 8
%{bcond_without hpc}
%if "%flavor" == "gnu9-openmpi-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 9
%define mpi_vers 1
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu9-openmpi2-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 9
%define mpi_vers 2
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu9-openmpi3-hpc"
%define mpi_family openmpi
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 9
%define mpi_vers 3
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu9-mvapich2-hpc"
%define mpi_family mvapich2
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 9
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if "%flavor" == "gnu9-mpich-hpc"
%define mpi_family mpich
%define compiler_family gnu
%define c_f_ver 9
%{bcond_without hpc}

%if !0%{?is_opensuse} && !0%{?with_hpc:1} && !0%{?makedoc:1}
ExclusiveArch:  do_not_build

# openmpi 1 was called just "openmpi" in Leap 15.x/SLE15
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1550 || "%{mpi_family}" != "openmpi"  || "%{mpi_vers}" != "1"
%define mpi_ext %{?mpi_vers}

%if %{without hpc}
%define package_name() %{pname}%{?with_mpi:-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}}
%define libname() lib%{pname}%{so_ver}%{?with_mpi:-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}}
%{hpc_init -c %compiler_family -m %mpi_family %{?c_f_ver:-v %{c_f_ver}} %{?mpi_vers:-V %{mpi_vers}} %{?ext:-e %{ext}}}

%define package_name() %{hpc_package_name %_vers}
%define libname() lib%{pname}%{expand:%%{hpc_package_name_tail %{**}}}
%global libname_plain %{libname}

%if 0%{?mpi_family:1}
%{bcond_without mpi}
%{bcond_with mpi}

%if %{without hpc}
 %if %{without mpi}
%define p_base %{_prefix}/
 %{?with_mpi:%{!?mpi_family:error "No MPI family specified!"}}

%define p_base %{_libdir}/mpi/gcc/%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}/
 %endif # mpi
%define p_prefix %{p_libdir}/petsc/%{version}/%petsc_arch
%else # hpc
%define p_base %{hpc_prefix}/
%define p_prefix %{hpc_prefix}

%define p_libdir %{p_base}%_lib
%define p_include %{p_prefix}/include

%define petsc_arch linux-gnu-c-opt

Name:           %{package_name}
Summary:        Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
License:        BSD-2-Clause
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Version:        %vers
Release:        0

Patch0:         petsc-3.3-p2-no-rpath.patch
Patch1:         petsc-3.7-fix-pastix-detection.patch
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
%if 0%{!?makedoc:1}
BuildRequires:  fdupes
BuildRequires:  pkg-config
BuildRequires:  python2
BuildRequires:  python3
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1315
BuildRequires:  hwloc-devel

%if %{without hpc}
BuildRequires:  Modules
BuildRequires:  blas-devel
BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
BuildRequires:  gcc-fortran
BuildRequires:  lapack-devel
BuildRequires:  suitesparse-devel

 %if %{with mpi}
BuildRequires:  %{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
BuildRequires:  blacs-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
BuildRequires:  hdf5-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
%if %{with hypre}
BuildRequires:  hypre-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
BuildRequires:  superlu-devel
BuildRequires:  ptscotch-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
BuildRequires:  ptscotch-parmetis-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
#!BuildIgnore:  metis-devel
%if %{with pastix}
BuildRequires:  pastix-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
BuildRequires:  scalapack-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
BuildRequires:  metis-devel
BuildRequires:  %{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-compilers-hpc-macros-devel
BuildRequires:  %{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-hpc-macros-devel
BuildRequires:  hdf5%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-hpc-devel
BuildRequires:  libopenblas%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-hpc-devel
BuildRequires:  libopenblas-%{compiler_family}-hpc >=  %{openblas_vers}
BuildRequires:  libscalapack2%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-hpc-devel
BuildRequires:  lua-lmod
BuildRequires:  suse-hpc

BuildRequires:  valgrind
BuildRequires:  xz
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
%endif # !?makedoc

PETSc is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable
(parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial
differential equations.

%package -n %{libname %_vers}
Summary:        Devel files for petsc
Group:          System/Libraries
%if %{with hpc}
Requires:       libhdf5%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-hpc
Requires:       libscalapack2%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-hpc

%description -n %{libname %_vers}
PETSc is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable
(parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial
differential equations.

%{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -n %{libname_plain} -l -L}}

%package %{?n_pre}devel
Summary:        Devel files for petsc
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires:       %{libname %_vers} = %{version}
%if %{without hpc}
Requires:       Modules
Requires:       suitesparse-devel
 %if %{without mpi}
Requires:       metis-devel
Requires:       blacs-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
Requires:       hdf5-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
Requires:       hypre-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
Requires:       ptscotch-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
Requires:       ptscotch-parmetis-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
Requires:       scalapack-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}-devel
  %if "%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}" == "openmpi1"
Provides:       %{pname}-openmpi-devel
%else # with hpc
Requires:       %{libname %_vers} = %{version}
Requires:       hdf5%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-hpc-devel
Requires:       libopenblas%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-hpc-devel
Requires:       libscalapack2%{?hpc_ext}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers}-hpc-devel

%description %{?n_pre}devel
PETSc is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable
(parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial
differential equations.

%{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -a devel}}

%package doc
Summary:        Documentation for petsc
Group:          Documentation/HTML

%description doc
This package contains the documentation for petsc.

%if %{with hpc}
%package saws
Summary:        PETsc SAWs infrastructure
#Requires:      saws
#Requires:      jshon
Group:          Productivity/Scientific/Other
Requires:       %{libname %_vers} = %{version}

%description saws
This package contains the files to interface with SAWs
(Scientific Application Web server). SAWs itself is not
yet supported by %{?is_opensuse:open}SUSE.


%setup -q -n petsc-%{version}
%patch0 -p1 -b .rpath
%patch1 -p1 -b .pastix-detect

%if 0%{?makedoc:1}
%files doc
%doc docs/*
%else # !?makedoc

%if 0 && %{without hpc}
cat > %{_sourcedir}/baselibs.conf  <<EOF
%{libname %_vers}
  requires -blas-<targettype>
  requires -lapack-<targettype>
  requires " %{libname %_vers}-<targettype> = <version>"


%if %{without hpc}
export PETSC_DIR=${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/petsc-%{version}
export PETSC_ARCH=%petsc_arch
%{?with_mpi:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{p_libdir}}
module load phdf5 scalapack openblas
%ifarch ppc64le ppc64 s390 aarch64 x86_64

./config/ \
	--prefix=%{p_prefix} \
        --with-clanguage=C++ \
        --with-c-support \
	--with-fortran-interfaces=1 \
	--with-debugging=no \
	--with-shared-libraries \
	--with-batch=0 \
%if %{without hpc}
        --with-suitesparse=1 \
        --with-suitesparse-lib=[%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/,%{_libdir}/] \
        --with-suitesparse-include=%{_includedir}/suitesparse \
 %if %{without mpi}
	--with-mpi=0 \
	--with-mpi=1 \
        --with-blacs=1 \
        --with-blacs-include=%{p_base}/include \
        --with-blacs-lib=[%{p_libdir}/] \
  %if %{with pastix}
        --with-pastix=1 \
        --with-pastix-pkg-config=%{p_libdir}/pkgconfig \
        --with-ptscotch=1 \
        --with-ptscotch-include=%{p_base}/include \
        --with-ptscotch-lib=[%{p_libdir}/,%{p_libdir}/,%{p_libdir}/,%{p_libdir}/] \
        --with-scalapack=1 \
        --with-scalapack-include=%{p_base}/include \
        --with-scalapack-lib=[%{p_libdir}/] \
  %if %{with hypre}
        --with-superlu=1 \
        --with-hypre=1 \
        --with-hypre-include=%{p_base}/include/hypre \
        --with-hypre-lib=%{p_libdir}/ \
        --with-hdf5=1 \
        --with-hdf5-lib=%{p_libdir}/ \
%else # with hpc
        --with-blas-lapack-lib=$OPENBLAS_LIB/ \
        --with-scalapack-dir=$SCALAPACK_DIR \
        --with-hdf5=1 \
        --with-hdf5-lib=$HDF5_LIB/ \



%if %{without hpc}
export PETSC_DIR=${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/petsc-%{version}
export PETSC_ARCH=%petsc_arch

make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples/src/*/examples/*/output/*.out
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples/src/*/examples/*/*/output/*.out
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples/src/*/*/examples/*/output/*.out
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples/src/*/*/examples/*/*/output/*.out
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples/src/*/*/*/examples/*/output/*.out
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples/src/*/*/*/examples/*/*/output/*.out
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/*.log
rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/.DIR

pushd %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib
ln -sf{version}
ln -sf{version}{so_ver}

%if %{without hpc}

rm -rf %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/*.log
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/*.init
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/*.py
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/modules

# create symlink for libs between %%libdir and petscdir
pushd %{buildroot}%{p_libdir}
for f in petsc/%{version}/%petsc_arch/lib/*.so*; do
   ln -s $f .

# Module files
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/modules/%{name}-%{petsc_arch}
cat << EOF > %{buildroot}/usr/share/modules/%{name}-%{petsc_arch}/%version%{?with_mpi:-%{mpi_family}%{?mpi_ext}}
proc ModulesHelp { } {
        global dotversion
        puts stderr "\tLoads the %{name}-%{petsc_arch} %version Environment"

module-whatis  "Loads the %{name}-%{petsc_arch} %version Environment."
conflict %{name}-%{petsc_arch}
setenv PETSC_ARCH %{petsc_arch}
setenv PETSC_DIR  %{p_libdir}/petsc/%{version}/%{petsc_arch}
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH %{p_libdir}/petsc/%{version}/%{petsc_arch}/lib

%else # with hpc

if [ ! -d %{buildroot}%{p_libdir} -a -d %{buildroot}%{p_base}/lib ]
    mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{p_libdir}
    mv  %{buildroot}%{p_base}/lib/lib*.so %{buildroot}%{p_base}/lib/lib*.so.* %{buildroot}%{p_libdir}
    mv  %{buildroot}%{p_base}/lib/pkgconfig  %{buildroot}%{p_libdir}

for i in \
    bin/ \
    bin/ \
    bin/ \
    bin/ bin/ \
    lib/petsc/conf/ \
    rm -f %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/$i

for file in %{hpc_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin/ \
    %{hpc_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin/ \
    %{hpc_python_mv_to_sitearch $file}

%{hpc_shebang_prepend_list %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin/*.py}
%hpc_shebang_sanitize_scripts %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin
%hpc_shebang_sanitize_scripts %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc

tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/bad-XXXXXX})
for file in $(find %{buildroot}%{p_prefix} -name "*.py"); do
    %{hpc_verify_python3 $file} || echo "$file" >> $tmp
[ -s $tmp ] && { echo "One or more python script not Python 3 compliant!"; cat $tmp; exit 1; }
rm -f $tmp


proc ModulesHelp { } {

puts stderr " "
puts stderr "This module loads the PETSc library built with the %{compiler_family} compiler"
puts stderr "toolchain and the %{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers} MPI stack."
puts stderr " "

puts stderr "\nVersion %{version}\n"

module-whatis "Name: %{pname} built with %{compiler_family} compiler and %{mpi_family}%{?mpi_vers} MPI"
module-whatis "Version: %{version}"
module-whatis "Category: runtime library"
module-whatis "Description: %{SUMMARY:0}"
module-whatis "%{url}"

set     version                     %{version}

# Require phdf5 (and scalapack for gnu compiler families)

if [ expr [ module-info mode load ] || [module-info mode display ] ] {
    if {  ![is-loaded phdf5]  } {
        module load phdf5
    if { ![is-loaded openblas]  } {
        module load openblas
    if { ![is-loaded scalapack]  } {
        module load scalapack

prepend-path    PATH                %{hpc_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin
prepend-path    LD_LIBRARY_PATH     %{hpc_libdir}
if {[file isdirectory  $pyton_sitesearch_path]} {
prepend-path    PYTHONPATH          $pyton_sitesearch_path

setenv          %{hpc_upcase %pname}_DIR        %{hpc_prefix}
if {[file isdirectory  %{hpc_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin]} {
setenv          %{hpc_upcase %pname}_BIN        %{hpc_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin
if {[file isdirectory  %{hpc_includedir}]} {
prepend-path    LIBRARY_PATH        %{hpc_libdir}
prepend-path    CPATH               %{hpc_includedir}
prepend-path    C_INCLUDE_PATH      %{hpc_includedir}
prepend-path    CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH  %{hpc_includedir}
prepend-path    INCLUDE                         %{hpc_includedir}

setenv          %{hpc_upcase %pname}_INC        %{hpc_includedir}
setenv          %{hpc_upcase %pname}_LIB        %{hpc_libdir}
%endif  # with hpc

# clean up non-include files
find %{buildroot}%{p_include} -name \*.html  -exec rm {} \;
find %{buildroot}%{p_include} -name makefile -exec rm {} \;

sed -i \
	-e 's!^\(#define PETSC_LIB_DIR\).*$!\1 "'%{p_prefix}/lib'"!' \
	-e 's!^\(#define PETSC_DIR\).*$!\1 "'%{p_prefix}'"!' \

# remove buildroot
find %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/conf/ %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/bin/ -type f -print0 | \
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' line ; do
  if file -e soft $line | grep -q "text" ; then
    sed -i -e 's!%{buildroot}!!g' $line

for i in $(find  %{buildroot}%{p_prefix}/share -perm /a+x -and -type f)
    head -1 $i | grep -q "#!" || chmod a-x $i

%fdupes %{buildroot}%{p_include}
%fdupes %{buildroot}%{p_libdir}

%post -n %{libname %_vers} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n %{libname %_vers}

%files -n %{libname %_vers}
%doc docs/manual.pdf
  %if %{without hpc}
%dir %{p_libdir}/petsc
%dir %{p_libdir}/petsc/%{version}
  %endif # with hpc
%dir %{p_prefix}
%dir %{p_prefix}/lib
%exclude %{p_prefix}/share/petsc/examples
%exclude %{p_prefix}/share/petsc/saws

%files %{?n_pre}devel
%exclude %{p_prefix}/lib/petsc/bin/saws
  %if %{without hpc}
%dir %{_datadir}/modules/%{name}-%{petsc_arch}

%if %{with hpc}
%files saws

%endif # !?makedoc

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