File fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch of Package salt.10416

From 2d5b1c41485f8ac8097aadbab71d245f6ff8ac69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bo Maryniuk <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 15:22:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix IPv6 scope (bsc#1108557)

Fix ipaddress imports

Remove unused import

Fix ipaddress import

Fix unicode imports in compat

Override standard IPv6Address class

Check version via object

Isolate Py2 and Py3 mode

Add logging

Add debugging to the ip_address method (py2 and py3)

Remove multiple returns and add check for address syntax

Remove unnecessary variable for import detection

Remove duplicated code

Remove unnecessary operator

Remove multiple returns

Use ternary operator instead

Remove duplicated code

Move docstrings to their native places

Add real exception message

Add logging to the ip_interface

Add scope on str

Lintfix: mute not called constructors

Add extra detection for hexadecimal packed bytes on Python2. This cannot be detected with type comparison, because bytes == str and at the same time bytes != str if compatibility is not around

Fix py2 case where the same class cannot initialise itself on Python2 via super.

Simplify checking clause

Do not use introspection for method swap

Fix wrong type swap

Add Py3.4 old implementation's fix


Lintfix refactor: remove duplicate returns as not needed

Revert method remapping with pylint updates

Remove unnecessary manipulation with IPv6 scope outside of the IPv6Address object instance

Lintfix: W0611

Reverse skipping tests: if no ipaddress
 salt/                    | 287 +++++++++++++++++++++++------
 salt/cloud/clouds/       |   5 +-
 salt/cloud/clouds/       |   9 +-
 salt/ext/          |   2 +-
 salt/                     |   5 +-
 salt/modules/              |   5 +-
 salt/modules/            |   5 +-
 salt/modules/            |   6 +-
 salt/utils/              |   5 +-
 tests/unit/grains/     |   5 +-
 tests/unit/modules/ |  15 +-
 11 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/
index 9b10646ace..0576210afc 100644
--- a/salt/
+++ b/salt/
@@ -2,18 +2,21 @@
 Salt compatibility code
-# pylint: disable=import-error,unused-import,invalid-name
+# pylint: disable=import-error,unused-import,invalid-name,W0231,W0233
 # Import python libs
-from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
 import sys
 import types
+import logging
 # Import 3rd-party libs
-from salt.ext.six import binary_type, string_types, text_type
+from salt.exceptions import SaltException
+from salt.ext.six import binary_type, string_types, text_type, integer_types
 from salt.ext.six.moves import cStringIO, StringIO
-HAS_XML = True
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     # Python >2.5
     import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
@@ -31,11 +34,10 @@ except Exception:
                 import elementtree.ElementTree as ElementTree
             except Exception:
                 ElementTree = None
-                HAS_XML = False
 # True if we are running on Python 3.
-PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
+PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3
 if PY3:
@@ -45,13 +47,12 @@ else:
     import exceptions
-if HAS_XML:
+if ElementTree is not None:
     if not hasattr(ElementTree, 'ParseError'):
         class ParseError(Exception):
             older versions of ElementTree do not have ParseError
-            pass
         ElementTree.ParseError = ParseError
@@ -61,9 +62,7 @@ def text_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
     If ``s`` is an instance of ``binary_type``, return
     ``s.decode(encoding, errors)``, otherwise return ``s``
-    if isinstance(s, binary_type):
-        return s.decode(encoding, errors)
-    return s
+    return s.decode(encoding, errors) if isinstance(s, binary_type) else s
 def bytes_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
@@ -71,57 +70,37 @@ def bytes_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
     If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
     ``s.encode(encoding, errors)``, otherwise return ``s``
-    if isinstance(s, text_type):
-        return s.encode(encoding, errors)
-    return s
+    return s.encode(encoding, errors) if isinstance(s, text_type) else s
-if PY3:
-    def ascii_native_(s):
-        if isinstance(s, text_type):
-            s = s.encode('ascii')
-        return str(s, 'ascii', 'strict')
-    def ascii_native_(s):
-        if isinstance(s, text_type):
-            s = s.encode('ascii')
-        return str(s)
+def ascii_native_(s):
+    '''
+    Python 3: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
+    ``s.encode('ascii')``, otherwise return ``str(s, 'ascii', 'strict')``
-ascii_native_.__doc__ = '''
-Python 3: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
-``s.encode('ascii')``, otherwise return ``str(s, 'ascii', 'strict')``
+    Python 2: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
+    ``s.encode('ascii')``, otherwise return ``str(s)``
+    '''
+    if isinstance(s, text_type):
+        s = s.encode('ascii')
-Python 2: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
-``s.encode('ascii')``, otherwise return ``str(s)``
+    return str(s, 'ascii', 'strict') if PY3 else s
-if PY3:
-    def native_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
-        '''
-        If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
-        ``s``, otherwise return ``str(s, encoding, errors)``
-        '''
-        if isinstance(s, text_type):
-            return s
-        return str(s, encoding, errors)
-    def native_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
-        '''
-        If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
-        ``s.encode(encoding, errors)``, otherwise return ``str(s)``
-        '''
-        if isinstance(s, text_type):
-            return s.encode(encoding, errors)
-        return str(s)
+def native_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
+    '''
+    Python 3: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return ``s``, otherwise
+    return ``str(s, encoding, errors)``
-native_.__doc__ = '''
-Python 3: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return ``s``, otherwise
-return ``str(s, encoding, errors)``
+    Python 2: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
+    ``s.encode(encoding, errors)``, otherwise return ``str(s)``
+    '''
+    if PY3:
+        out = s if isinstance(s, text_type) else str(s, encoding, errors)
+    else:
+        out = s.encode(encoding, errors) if isinstance(s, text_type) else str(s)
-Python 2: If ``s`` is an instance of ``text_type``, return
-``s.encode(encoding, errors)``, otherwise return ``str(s)``
+    return out
 def string_io(data=None):  # cStringIO can't handle unicode
@@ -133,7 +112,199 @@ def string_io(data=None):  # cStringIO can't handle unicode
     except (UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
         return StringIO(data)
-if PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+    if PY3:
+        import ipaddress
+    else:
+        import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+except ImportError:
+    ipaddress = None
+class IPv6AddressScoped(ipaddress.IPv6Address):
+    '''
+    Represent and manipulate single IPv6 Addresses.
+    Scope-aware version
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, address):
+        '''
+        Instantiate a new IPv6 address object. Scope is moved to an attribute 'scope'.
+        Args:
+            address: A string or integer representing the IP
+              Additionally, an integer can be passed, so
+              IPv6Address('2001:db8::') == IPv6Address(42540766411282592856903984951653826560)
+              or, more generally
+              IPv6Address(int(IPv6Address('2001:db8::'))) == IPv6Address('2001:db8::')
+        Raises:
+            AddressValueError: If address isn't a valid IPv6 address.
+        :param address:
+        '''
+        # pylint: disable-all
+        if not hasattr(self, '_is_packed_binary'):
+            # This method (below) won't be around for some Python 3 versions
+            # and we need check this differently anyway
+            self._is_packed_binary = lambda p: isinstance(p, bytes)
+        # pylint: enable-all
+        if isinstance(address, string_types) and '%' in address:
+            buff = address.split('%')
+            if len(buff) != 2:
+                raise SaltException('Invalid IPv6 address: "{}"'.format(address))
+            address, self.__scope = buff
+        else:
+            self.__scope = None
+        if sys.version_info.major == 2:
+            ipaddress._BaseAddress.__init__(self, address)
+            ipaddress._BaseV6.__init__(self, address)
+        else:
+            # Python 3.4 fix. Versions higher are simply not affected
+            #
+            self._version = 6
+            self._max_prefixlen = ipaddress.IPV6LENGTH
+        # Efficient constructor from integer.
+        if isinstance(address, integer_types):
+            self._check_int_address(address)
+            self._ip = address
+        elif self._is_packed_binary(address):
+            self._check_packed_address(address, 16)
+            self._ip = ipaddress._int_from_bytes(address, 'big')
+        else:
+            address = str(address)
+            if '/' in address:
+                raise ipaddress.AddressValueError("Unexpected '/' in {}".format(address))
+            self._ip = self._ip_int_from_string(address)
+    def _is_packed_binary(self, data):
+        '''
+        Check if data is hexadecimal packed
+        :param data:
+        :return:
+        '''
+        packed = False
+        if len(data) == 16 and ':' not in data:
+            try:
+                packed = bool(int(str(bytearray(data)).encode('hex'), 16))
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        return packed
+    @property
+    def scope(self):
+        '''
+        Return scope of IPv6 address.
+        :return:
+        '''
+        return self.__scope
+    def __str__(self):
+        return text_type(self._string_from_ip_int(self._ip) +
+                         ('%' + self.scope if self.scope is not None else ''))
+class IPv6InterfaceScoped(ipaddress.IPv6Interface, IPv6AddressScoped):
+    '''
+    Update
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, address):
+        if isinstance(address, (bytes, int)):
+            IPv6AddressScoped.__init__(self, address)
+   = ipaddress.IPv6Network(self._ip)
+            self._prefixlen = self._max_prefixlen
+            return
+        addr = ipaddress._split_optional_netmask(address)
+        IPv6AddressScoped.__init__(self, addr[0])
+ = ipaddress.IPv6Network(address, strict=False)
+        self.netmask =
+        self._prefixlen =
+        self.hostmask =
+def ip_address(address):
+    """Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type.
+    Args:
+        address: A string or integer, the IP address.  Either IPv4 or
+          IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will
+          be considered to be IPv4 by default.
+    Returns:
+        An IPv4Address or IPv6Address object.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: if the *address* passed isn't either a v4 or a v6
+          address
+    """
+    try:
+        return ipaddress.IPv4Address(address)
+    except (ipaddress.AddressValueError, ipaddress.NetmaskValueError) as err:
+        log.debug('Error while parsing IPv4 address: %s', address)
+        log.debug(err)
+    try:
+        return IPv6AddressScoped(address)
+    except (ipaddress.AddressValueError, ipaddress.NetmaskValueError) as err:
+        log.debug('Error while parsing IPv6 address: %s', address)
+        log.debug(err)
+    if isinstance(address, bytes):
+        raise ipaddress.AddressValueError('{} does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. '
+                                          'Did you pass in a bytes (str in Python 2) instead '
+                                          'of a unicode object?'.format(repr(address)))
+    raise ValueError('{} does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address'.format(repr(address)))
+def ip_interface(address):
+    """Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type.
+    Args:
+        address: A string or integer, the IP address.  Either IPv4 or
+          IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will
+          be considered to be IPv4 by default.
+    Returns:
+        An IPv4Interface or IPv6Interface object.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: if the string passed isn't either a v4 or a v6
+          address.
+    Notes:
+        The IPv?Interface classes describe an Address on a particular
+        Network, so they're basically a combination of both the Address
+        and Network classes.
+    """
+    try:
+        return ipaddress.IPv4Interface(address)
+    except (ipaddress.AddressValueError, ipaddress.NetmaskValueError) as err:
+        log.debug('Error while getting IPv4 interface for address %s', address)
+        log.debug(err)
+    try:
+        return ipaddress.IPv6Interface(address)
+    except (ipaddress.AddressValueError, ipaddress.NetmaskValueError) as err:
+        log.debug('Error while getting IPv6 interface for address %s', address)
+        log.debug(err)
+    raise ValueError('{} does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 interface'.format(address))
+if ipaddress:
+    ipaddress.IPv6Address = IPv6AddressScoped
+    if sys.version_info.major == 2:
+        ipaddress.IPv6Interface = IPv6InterfaceScoped
+    ipaddress.ip_address = ip_address
+    ipaddress.ip_interface = ip_interface
diff --git a/salt/cloud/clouds/ b/salt/cloud/clouds/
index c9cc281b42..e0e56349a0 100644
--- a/salt/cloud/clouds/
+++ b/salt/cloud/clouds/
@@ -27,10 +27,7 @@ import
 import salt.config as config
 import salt.client
 import salt.ext.six as six
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudException, SaltCloudSystemExit
diff --git a/salt/cloud/clouds/ b/salt/cloud/clouds/
index a24170c78a..0fe410eb91 100644
--- a/salt/cloud/clouds/
+++ b/salt/cloud/clouds/
@@ -25,13 +25,8 @@ import tempfile
 import salt.utils
 import salt.config as config
 import salt.client
-import salt.ext.six as six
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
-from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudException, SaltCloudSystemExit, \
-    SaltInvocationError
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
+from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudException, SaltCloudSystemExit, SaltInvocationError
 # Get logging started
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/salt/ext/ b/salt/ext/
index ba6db461e7..69a044f3bf 100644
--- a/salt/ext/
+++ b/salt/ext/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
 import socket
 import ctypes
 import os
-import ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 import salt.ext.six as six
diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/
index 173a43d06a..e7f7561c9d 100644
--- a/salt/
+++ b/salt/
@@ -26,10 +26,7 @@ from binascii import crc32
 # Import Salt Libs
 # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin
 from salt.ext import six
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 from salt.ext.six.moves import range
 from salt.utils.zeromq import zmq, ZMQDefaultLoop, install_zmq, ZMQ_VERSION_INFO
diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/
index 7047e84c29..1a0fa0044d 100644
--- a/salt/modules/
+++ b/salt/modules/
@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ from salt.ext.six.moves import map, range
 import salt.utils.path
 # Import third-party libs
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 # Set up logging
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/
index 92893572a6..60f586f6bc 100644
--- a/salt/modules/
+++ b/salt/modules/
@@ -26,10 +26,7 @@ from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
 # Import 3rd-party libs
 from salt.ext import six
 from salt.ext.six.moves import range  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/
index 0592dede55..0f518c2602 100644
--- a/salt/modules/
+++ b/salt/modules/
@@ -39,11 +39,7 @@ import salt.utils.path
 import salt.utils.stringutils
 from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError
 import salt.ext.six as six
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/
index 3a587c693c..133b5619be 100644
--- a/salt/utils/
+++ b/salt/utils/
@@ -26,10 +26,7 @@ import salt.cache
 from salt.ext import six
 # Import 3rd-party libs
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 HAS_RANGE = False
     import seco.range  # pylint: disable=import-error
diff --git a/tests/unit/grains/ b/tests/unit/grains/
index c604df6c57..b75d2fd353 100644
--- a/tests/unit/grains/
+++ b/tests/unit/grains/
@@ -31,10 +31,7 @@ import salt.grains.core as core
 # Import 3rd-party libs
 from salt.ext import six
-if six.PY3:
-    import ipaddress
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/
index 865f15f3e3..50fa629276 100644
--- a/tests/unit/modules/
+++ b/tests/unit/modules/
@@ -20,20 +20,11 @@ from import (
 # Import Salt Libs
-from salt.ext import six
 import salt.utils.path
 import as network
 from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
-if six.PY2:
-    import salt.ext.ipaddress as ipaddress
-    try:
-        import ipaddress
-        HAS_IPADDRESS = True
-    except ImportError:
-        HAS_IPADDRESS = False
+from salt._compat import ipaddress
@@ -278,7 +269,7 @@ class NetworkTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
                     self.assertDictEqual(network.connect('host', 'port'),
                                          {'comment': ret, 'result': True})
-    @skipIf(HAS_IPADDRESS is False, 'unable to import \'ipaddress\'')
+    @skipIf(not bool(ipaddress), 'unable to import \'ipaddress\'')
     def test_is_private(self):
         Test for Check if the given IP address is a private address
@@ -290,7 +281,7 @@ class NetworkTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
-    @skipIf(HAS_IPADDRESS is False, 'unable to import \'ipaddress\'')
+    @skipIf(not bool(ipaddress), 'unable to import \'ipaddress\'')
     def test_is_loopback(self):
         Test for Check if the given IP address is a loopback address

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