File saphanabootstrap-formula.changes of Package saphanabootstrap-formula.19311

Thu Mar 18 07:41:18 UTC 2021 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version bump 0.7.1
- Implement the load balancer use case for GCP in the cluster resource
  agents template

Fri Mar 12 15:39:31 UTC 2021 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Fix the HANA sidadm usage to transform to lowercase some states
  managing the sudoers file in ha_cluster.sls state file

Fri Mar  5 15:30:40 UTC 2021 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Fix how the HANA client options are handled. Now, if any of the
  HANA client option variables are set, they will have preference
  over the database option (the platform and extracted options)

Tue Jan 19 13:35:18 UTC 2021 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version bump 0.7.0
  * Change salt-formulas-configuration requirement in SLE12 codestream
  to a recommendation

Wed Dec  2 17:48:05 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Start the saptune daemon service

Tue Nov 24 04:08:55 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Add requisite of hana installation to subsequent salt states

Wed Nov 11 04:25:03 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Add support to extract and install HANA Client sar packages

Mon Oct 19 14:48:50 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Set the native fence mechanism usage for CSP as optional

Tue Oct 13 15:50:43 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.6.2:
  * Update the package version after SUMA form update and extraction logic update

Sun Oct 11 04:21:32 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Fix the hana media extraction and installation logics when using exe archives

Thu Oct  8 02:34:37 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Update the SUMA hana form metadata, to show hana form under SAP deployment group

Sat Oct  3 04:59:38 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Update SUMA form.yml file and prevalidation state with latest changes in formula

Thu Sep 24 20:23:13 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Change the default 'hana_extract_dir' hana media extraction location

Tue Sep 22 13:38:47 UTC 2020 - Dario Maiocchi <>

- Version 0.6.1:
  * Remove copy of config files for exporters since we use /usr/etc

Thu Aug 20 02:00:46 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.6.0
  * Include pillar example file in package
  (bsc#1174994, jsc#SLE-4047)

Wed Jul 15 10:30:22 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Add hana active/active resources to the cluster template
- Change `route_table` by `route_name` to make the variable usage
  more meaningful

Wed Jun 10 01:49:02 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Add support to extract zip,rar,exe,sar hana media
- This change brings non backward compatible changes. The variable
  hdbserver_extract_dir is replaced by hana_extract_dir

Fri Jun  5 14:42:12 UTC 2020 - Stefano Torresi <>

- Fix provisioning of hanadb_exporter in SLE12, where python3-pip must be always installed.

Tue Jun  2 00:21:55 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.5.10
  * Change colocation weight for col_saphana_ip for Azure provider \

  (jsc#ECO-1965, jsc#SLE-4047)

Fri May 15 08:19:31 UTC 2020 - Stefano Torresi <>

- Implement exporter Pacemaker resource, refactor monitoring settings

Fri May 15 01:55:38 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.5.9
  * Update extraction functionality for cost optimized scenario

Tue Apr 21 02:21:28 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.5.8
  * Adjust software_path usage for cost optimized scenario

Fri Apr 17 08:14:08 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.5.7
  * Use gcp instance name instead of id in fence_gce agent
  (bsc#1161898, bsc#1160933)

Tue Apr 14 13:28:03 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.5.6
  * Update anyting socat resource by azure-lb as recommended in
  the updated best practices guide

Tue Mar 31 07:25:29 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.5.5
  * Implement the new SAPHanaSR hook usage

Fri Mar 27 11:16:16 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.5.4
  * Update the fence_gce usage to use gcp_instance_id

Wed Mar 25 21:34:17 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.5.3
 * Add support to run sapcar and extract HANA sar package

Fri Mar 20 13:19:03 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.5.2
  * Install pydbapi package to be used by hanadb_exporter

Tue Mar  3 09:51:59 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.5.1
  * Adapt the cluster template to use the proper gcp agents
  (bsc#1161898, bsc#1160933)

Tue Feb 11 10:51:56 UTC 2020 - Dario Maiocchi <>

- Version 0.5.0
  * Change the package name to prometheus-hanadb_exporter (jsc#SLE-10545)
  (bsc#1165156, jsc#SLE-4143, boo#1137989, jsc#SLE-10545)

Thu Jan 30 15:31:06 UTC 2020 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.4.4
  * Update HANA resources template to add AWS specific RA

Tue Jan 21 14:41:29 UTC 2020 - Dario Maiocchi <>

- Version 0.4.3
  * Add saptune module to apply a specific solution

Thu Jan  2 23:25:35 UTC 2020 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version 0.4.2
  * Add the option to specify password XML file for installing hana

Thu Dec 19 12:18:22 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version 0.4.1
  * Update cloud provider usage

Thu Dec 12 11:52:23 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version bump 0.4.0
  * Update exporter state to use the new hanadb_exporter config
  * Clean defaults.yaml file content
  * Fix the scenario where the primary was not defined during
  secondary installation. Now the password can be retrieved using
  other options
  * Update the scale up template to remove the default value for nic
  parameter in the IPaddr2 resource if the provider is not gcp

Thu Nov 28 21:28:19 UTC 2019 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version bump 0.3.3
  * Update Cluster template command to use `socat` for Azure

Wed Oct 30 16:14:32 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version bump 0.3.2
  * Fix issue with file permissions during package installation in
    /usr/share/salt-formulas (0755, root, salt)

Tue Oct 29 16:31:16 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version bump 0.3.1
  * Fix 'true' rendering in jinja to convert to json correctly

Fri Oct 25 07:22:15 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu <>

- Version bump 0.3.0
  * Add support for multi tenant hanadb_exporter

Wed Sep  4 06:55:01 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Update the pkg.info_available call to avoid repositories refresh as
  it may cause errors

Wed Aug  7 07:46:25 UTC 2019 - Simranpal Singh <>

- Version bump 0.2.9
  * Fix srHook script usage for cost optimized scenario
  * Add scenario type options to the form.yml file

Wed Jul 31 12:26:05 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Fix errors in the form.yml file to match with the formula names
- Fix some styling issues

Tue Jul 23 11:17:36 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Version bump 0.2.8
  * Add support for Power machines
  * Fix issues with SAP HANA deployment template and the exporter

Mon Jul 22 08:26:16 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Version bump 0.2.7
  * Fix issue with file permissions during package installation in

Mon Jul  8 11:49:55 UTC 2019 - Dario Maiocchi <>

- Version bump 0.2.6
  * Retry pkg.install multiple times, in case a pkg installtion fails
  for having a more resilient installation.

Wed Jul  3 07:58:55 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Version bump 0.2.5
  * hanadb_exporter executed as a daemon
  * hanadb_exporter installation suggested

Tue Jul  2 11:14:50 UTC 2019 - Diego Vinicius Akechi <>

- Version bump 0.2.4
  * Change the salt-formula directories permissions to 0750 to avoid
    conflicts with the package salt-standalone-formulas-configuration.

  * Correct the required package name to

Mon Jul  1 11:27:50 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Create package version 0.2.3 supporting hanadb_exporter logging system

Wed Jun 19 14:23:59 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Create package version 0.2.2 adding hanadb_exporter deployment

Tue Jun 11 11:42:31 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Create package version 0.2.1 with fixed spec files. Now the package
  is available in all SLE12 and SLE15 versions (boo#1137989, jsc#SLE-4143)

Thu Jun  6 07:28:43 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Fix how qas instance number is created in scale_up_resources template

Fri May 21 12:37:43 UTC 2019 - Diego Vinicius Akechi <>

- Version bump 0.2.0
  * Include the salt-formulas-configuration dependency on
    SLE/Leap 15-SP1 and higher. This package configures the shared salt
    formulas location (/usr/share/salt-formulas) to be used by SUMA 4.0
    or salt in standalone mode.
  * Drops the saphanabootstrap-formula-suma package, as the forms metadata
    will be available only on SUMA 4.0 using the shared location.

Thu May 16 08:52:06 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Update formula to work with the latest shaptools code. In this version
  the secondary node registration is managed completely in shaptools

Thu Apr 25 12:06:43 UTC 2019 - Diego Vinicius Akechi <>

- Changed requires from salt-saphana to salt-shaptools.

Mon Mar 18 08:50:43 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Update primary available checking to execute this action before
  trying to copy the SSFS files from primary node
- Add configurable timeout to wait to the primary node

Tue Mar 12 07:52:37 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Fix OS release comparison to use integer type in order to choose
  installable python version

Fri Mar  8 13:47:41 UTC 2019 - Xabier Arbulu Insausti <>

- Improve shaptools installation python version management

Mon Mar  4 15:30:24 UTC 2019 -

- Improved the use of keystore access. When the key_name is informed,
  the user_name/user_password is not needed.

Wed Feb 25 10:15:35 UTC 2019 -

- Forces lower case SID when composing the OS username
- Typos fixing.
- Adjust the labels to SAP terminology and include help texts.

Wed Feb 20 08:18:35 UTC 2019 -

- Add templates folder with RA configuration templates

Thu Dec 20 08:33:10 UTC 2018 -

- First version of the SAP HANA deployment formula
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