File zshrc of Package zsh.23109

# read bash.bashrc first for some features we dont want
# to re-implement here
source /etc/bash.bashrc

# Custom completion support via /etc/zsh_completion.d
fpath=( $fpath /etc/zsh_completion.d )

# zsh line editing
: ${ZSHEDIT:="emacs"}
: ${TERM:=linux}

if [[ "$ZSHEDIT" == "vi" ]] then
    bindkey    -v
    bindkey    -e
    bindkey    "^[ "	magic-space
    bindkey    "^[!"	expand-history

# Environment

# Prompt on the right side. zsh feature

# Set/unset  shell options
setopt   nocorrect
setopt   pushdtohome
setopt   autolist
setopt   nopromptcr
setopt   nocorrectall
setopt   autocd
setopt   recexact
setopt   longlistjobs
setopt   histignoredups
setopt   pushdsilent
setopt   appendhistory
setopt   histexpiredupsfirst
setopt   autopushd
setopt   pushdminus
setopt   extendedglob
setopt   rcquotes
unsetopt bgnice
unsetopt autoparamslash
unsetopt hup

# Setup some basic programmable completions.  To see more examples
# of these, check out /usr/doc/packages/zsh/compctl-examples.
# You you have a slow machine, you might want to comment the lines below
# with compctl in, and comment the below two lines out.
# compctl -g '*(-/)' cd pushd
# compctl -g '*(/)' rmdir dircmp
# compctl -j -P % -x 's[-] p[1]' -k signals -- kill
# compctl -j -P % fg bg wait jobs disown
# compctl -A shift
# compctl -caF type whence which
# compctl -F unfunction
# compctl -a unalias
# compctl -v unset typeset declare vared readonly export integer
# compctl -e disable
# compctl -d enable
# The default way is the usage of the zsh built-in completer
# Comment the two below lines out, if you are on a slow machine, and
# comment the above compctl lines in.

autoload -U compinit

# Completion so "cd ..<TAB>" -> "cd ../"
# zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs ..

# Online help
unalias  run-help 2>/dev/null || true
autoload run-help

# Don't use zsh builtin which
alias which >/dev/null && unalias which

# Common standard keypad and cursor
bindkey    "^[[2~"		yank
bindkey    "^[[3~"		delete-char

# History completion on pgup and pgdown
autoload -U history-search-end
zle -N history-beginning-search-backward-end history-search-end
zle -N history-beginning-search-forward-end history-search-end
bindkey "^[[5~" history-beginning-search-backward-end
bindkey "^[[6~" history-beginning-search-forward-end

if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" || "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]] then
    bindkey    "^[2;5~"		yank
    bindkey    "^[3;5~"		delete-char
    bindkey    "^[5;5~"		up-history
    bindkey    "^[6;5~"		down-history
bindkey    "^[[C"		forward-char
bindkey    "^[[D"		backward-char
bindkey    "^[[A"		up-history
bindkey    "^[[B"		down-history

# Avoid network problems
#   ... \177 (ASCII-DEL) and \010 (ASCII-BS)
#       do `backward-delete-char'
# Note: `delete-char' is maped to \033[3~
#       Therefore xterm's responce on pressing
#       key Delete or KP-Delete should be
#       \033[3~ ... NOT \177
bindkey    "^?"		backward-delete-char
bindkey    "^H"		backward-delete-char

# Home and End
if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" || "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]] then
    # Normal keypad and cursor of xterm
    bindkey    "^[[1~"	history-search-backward
    bindkey    "^[[4~"	set-mark-command
    bindkey    "^[[H"	beginning-of-line
    bindkey    "^[[F"	end-of-line
    # Home and End of application keypad and cursor of xterm
    bindkey    "^[OH"	beginning-of-line
    bindkey    "^[OF"	end-of-line
    bindkey    "^[O5H"	beginning-of-line
    bindkey    "^[O5F"	end-of-line
if [[ "$TERM" == "kvt" ]] then
    bindkey    "^[[1~"	history-search-backward
    bindkey    "^[[4~"	set-mark-command
    bindkey    "^[OH"	beginning-of-line
    bindkey    "^[OF"	end-of-line
    # TERM=linux or console
    bindkey    "^[[1~"	beginning-of-line
    bindkey    "^[[4~"	end-of-line

# Application keypad and cursor of xterm
if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" || "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]] then
    bindkey    "^[OD"	backward-char
    bindkey    "^[OC"	forward-char
    bindkey    "^[OA"	up-history
    bindkey    "^[OB"	down-history
    # DEC keyboard KP_F1 - KP_F4
    bindkey -s "^[OP"	"^["
    bindkey    "^[OQ"	undo
    bindkey    "^[OR"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[OS"	kill-line
if [[ "$TERM" == "gnome" ]] then
    # or gnome terminal F1 - F4
    bindkey -s "^[OP"	"^["
    bindkey    "^[OQ"	undo
    bindkey    "^[OR"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[OS"	kill-line
# Function keys F1 - F12
if [[ "$TERM" == "linux" ]] then
    # On console the first five function keys
    bindkey    "^[[[A"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[[B"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[[C"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[[D"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[[E"	undefined-key
    # The first five standard function keys
    bindkey    "^[[11~"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[12~"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[13~"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[14~"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[15~"	undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[17~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[18~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[19~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[20~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[21~"		undefined-key
# Note: F11, F12 are identical with Shift_F1 and Shift_F2
bindkey    "^[[23~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[24~"		undefined-key

# Shift Function keys F1  - F12
#      identical with F11 - F22
# bindkey   "^[[23~"	undefined-key
# bindkey   "^[[24~"	undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[25~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[26~"		undefined-key
# DEC keyboard: F15=^[[28~ is Help
bindkey    "^[[28~"		undefined-key
# DEC keyboard: F16=^[[29~ is Menu
bindkey    "^[[29~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[31~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[32~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[33~"		undefined-key
bindkey    "^[[34~"		undefined-key
if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" || "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]] then
    # Not common
    bindkey    "^[[35~"	undefined-key
    bindkey    "^[[36~"	undefined-key

if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" || "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]] then
    # Application keypad and cursor of xterm
    # with NumLock ON
    # Operators
    bindkey -s "^[Oo"	"/"
    bindkey -s "^[Oj"	"*"
    bindkey -s "^[Om"	"-"
    bindkey -s "^[Ok"	"+"
    bindkey -s "^[Ol"	","
    bindkey -s "^[OM"	"\n"
    bindkey -s "^[On"	"."
    # Numbers
    bindkey -s "^[Op"	"0"
    bindkey -s "^[Oq"	"1"
    bindkey -s "^[Or"	"2"
    bindkey -s "^[Os"	"3"
    bindkey -s "^[Ot"	"4"
    bindkey -s "^[Ou"	"5"
    bindkey -s "^[Ov"	"6"
    bindkey -s "^[Ow"	"7"
    bindkey -s "^[Ox"	"8"
    bindkey -s "^[Oy"	"9"

#  EMACS line editing
if [[ "$ZSHEDIT" == "emacs" ]] then
    # ... xterm application cursor
    if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" || "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]] then
	bindkey    "^[^[OD"	backward-word
	bindkey    "^[^[OC"	forward-word
	bindkey    "^[^[OA"	up-history
	bindkey    "^[^[OB"	down-history
	bindkey    "^^[OD"	backward-char
	bindkey    "^^[OC"	forward-char
	bindkey    "^^[OA"	up-history
	bindkey    "^^[OB"	down-history
    # Standard cursor
    bindkey    "^[^[[D"	backward-word
    bindkey    "^[^[[C"	forward-word
    bindkey    "^[^[[A"	up-history
    bindkey    "^[^[[B"	down-history
    bindkey    "^^[[D"	backward-char
    bindkey    "^^[[C"	forward-char
    bindkey    "^^[[A"	up-history
    bindkey    "^^[[B"	down-history
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