File fuse.conf of Package fuse.8743

# The file /etc/fuse.conf allows for the following parameters:
# user_allow_other - Using the allow_other mount option works fine as root, in
# order to have it work as user you need user_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf as 
# well. (This option allows users to use the allow_other option.) You need 
# allow_other if you want users other than the owner to access a mounted fuse. 
# This option must appear on a line by itself. There is no value, just the 
# presence of the option.


# mount_max = n - this option sets the maximum number of mounts.
# Currently (2014) it must be typed exactly as shown
# (with a single space before and after the equals sign).

#mount_max = 1000

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