File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.26903

<patchinfo incident="26903">
  <summary>Recommended update for Salt</summary>
  <description>This update fixes the following issues:

- Pass the context to pillar ext modules
- Align Amazon EC2 (Nitro) grains with upstream (bsc#1203685)
- Detect module run syntax version
- Implement automated patches alignment for the Salt Bundle
- Ignore extend declarations from excluded SLS files (bsc#1203886)
- Clarify pkg.installed pkg_verify documentation
- Enhance capture of error messages for Zypper calls in zypperpkg module
- Make pass renderer configurable and fix detected issues
- Workaround fopen line buffering for binary mode (bsc#1203834)

  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1203685">Amazon EC2 instances using Nitro Hypervisor are not detected as virtual machines with SP4 Clients</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1203834"> RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1203886">L3: Exclude with extend function not working as expected</issue>
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