File LVM-completion-bsc946875.patch of Package bash-completion

There are the following problems with lvm completions:
1)_lvm_physicalvolumes() only gets PVs that belong to a VG. In some
  cases like pvremove we can use all PVs including those not included
  in any VGs.
  solution: Add _lvm_physicalvolumes_all to get all PVs and correct
            all the commands.

2)pvcreate should be able to use all block devcices.
  solution: Add _lvm_filedir() to use _filedir except set $cur to /dev
            when $cur is empty.

3)when /etc/lvm/lvm.conf silent is 1 there is no output for vg/lv/pvscan,
  bash-completion will not work.
  solution: Check the value of silent option. If it is 1 then temporarily
            set silent 0 and recover back to 1 after the command executed.

Signed-off-by: Liuhua Wang <>
Reviewed-by: Lidong Zhong <>

Index: bash-completion-2.11/completions/lvm
 bash-completion-2.12.0/completions/lvm |   26 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

--- bash-completion-2.12.0/completions/lvm
+++ bash-completion-2.12.0/completions/lvm	2024-02-23 08:05:52.542682924 +0000
@@ -5,27 +5,41 @@ _comp_cmd_lvm__filedir()
     _comp_compgen -c "${cur:-/dev/}" filedir
+    local silent=$(sed -n -e "s|^[ \t]*silent[ \t]*=[ \t]*\([01]\)|\1|p" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf)
+    test ${silent:-0} -eq 1
-    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(vgscan 2>/dev/null |
+    local verbose
+    _comp_cmd_lvm__verbose && verbose=-v
+    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(vgscan $verbose 2>/dev/null |
         command sed -n -e 's|.*Found.*"\(.*\)".*$|\1|p')"
-    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(pvscan 2>/dev/null |
+    local verbose
+    _comp_cmd_lvm__verbose && verbose=-v
+    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(pvscan $verbose 2>/dev/null |
         command sed -n -e 's|^.*PV \([^ ]*\) .*|\1|p')"
-    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(pvscan 2>/dev/null |
+    local verbose
+    _comp_cmd_lvm__verbose && verbose=-v
+    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(pvscan $verbose 2>/dev/null |
         command sed -n -e 's|^.*PV \(.*\) VG.*$|\1|p')"
-    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(lvscan 2>/dev/null |
+    local verbose
+    _comp_cmd_lvm__verbose && verbose=-v
+    _comp_compgen_split -- "$(lvscan $verbose 2>/dev/null |
         command sed -n -e "s|^.*'\(.*\)'.*$|\1|p")"
     if [[ $cur == /dev/mapper/* ]]; then
         _comp_compgen -a filedir
@@ -403,7 +417,7 @@ _comp_cmd_vgreduce()
         if ((REPLY == 0)); then
-            _comp_cmd_lvm__physicalvolumes
+            _comp_cmd_lvm__physicalvolumes_all
 } &&
@@ -735,7 +749,7 @@ _comp_cmd_lvcreate()
         if ((REPLY == 0)); then
-            _comp_cmd_lvm__physicalvolumes
+            _comp_cmd_lvm__physicalvolumes_all
 } &&
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