File CVE-2023-39333.patch of Package nodejs16

commit eaf9083cf1e43bd897ac8244dcc0f4e3500150ca
Author: Tobias Nießen <>
Date:   Sun Aug 6 10:41:33 2023 +0000

    module: fix code injection through export names
    createDynamicModule() properly escapes import names, but not export
    names. In WebAssembly, any string is a valid export name. Importing a
    WebAssembly module that uses a non-identifier export name leads to
    either a syntax error in createDynamicModule() or to code injection,
    that is, to the evaluation of almost arbitrary JavaScript code outside
    of the WebAssembly module.
    To address this issue, adopt the same mechanism in createExport() that
    createImport() already uses. Add tests for both exports and imports.
    Reviewed-By: Rafael Gonzaga <>
    CVE-ID: CVE-2023-39333

commit 1193ca5fdb6e3eaa56b57a1b62cd48c7309b5d01
Author: Matthew Aitken <>
Date:   Fri Oct 6 17:04:05 2023 -0400

    lib: let deps require `node` prefixed modules
    Reviewed-By: Antoine du Hamel <>
    Reviewed-By: Filip Skokan <>
    Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
    Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <>
    Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <>
    Reviewed-By: Stephen Belanger <>
    Reviewed-By: Zeyu "Alex" Yang <>

Includes wasm-fixtures.tar.gz because quilt doesn't support binary patches....

Index: node-v16.20.2/lib/internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module.js
--- node-v16.20.2.orig/lib/internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module.js
+++ node-v16.20.2/lib/internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module.js
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ function createImport(impt, index) {
 import.meta.imports[${imptPath}] = $import_${index};`;
-function createExport(expt) {
-  const name = `${expt}`;
-  return `let $${name};
-export { $${name} as ${name} };
-import.meta.exports.${name} = {
-  get: () => $${name},
-  set: (v) => $${name} = v,
+function createExport(expt, index) {
+  const nameStringLit = JSONStringify(expt);
+  return `let $export_${index};
+export { $export_${index} as ${nameStringLit} };
+import.meta.exports[${nameStringLit}] = {
+  get: () => $export_${index},
+  set: (v) => $export_${index} = v,
Index: node-v16.20.2/test/es-module/test-esm-wasm.mjs
--- node-v16.20.2.orig/test/es-module/test-esm-wasm.mjs
+++ node-v16.20.2/test/es-module/test-esm-wasm.mjs
@@ -29,6 +29,56 @@ describe('ESM: WASM modules', { concurre
     strictEqual(code, 0);
+  it('should not allow code injection through export names', async () => {
+    const { code, stderr, stdout } = await spawnPromisified(execPath, [
+      '--no-warnings',
+      '--experimental-wasm-modules',
+      '--input-type=module',
+      '--eval',
+      `import * as wasmExports from ${JSON.stringify(fixtures.fileURL('es-modules/export-name-code-injection.wasm'))};`,
+    ]);
+    strictEqual(stderr, '');
+    strictEqual(stdout, '');
+    strictEqual(code, 0);
+  });
+  it('should allow non-identifier export names', async () => {
+    const { code, stderr, stdout } = await spawnPromisified(execPath, [
+      '--no-warnings',
+      '--experimental-wasm-modules',
+      '--input-type=module',
+      '--eval',
+      [
+        'import { strictEqual } from "node:assert";',
+        `import * as wasmExports from ${JSON.stringify(fixtures.fileURL('es-modules/export-name-syntax-error.wasm'))};`,
+        'assert.strictEqual(wasmExports["?f!o:o<b>a[r]"]?.value, 12682);',
+      ].join('\n'),
+    ]);
+    strictEqual(stderr, '');
+    strictEqual(stdout, '');
+    strictEqual(code, 0);
+  });
+  it('should properly escape import names as well', async () => {
+    const { code, stderr, stdout } = await spawnPromisified(execPath, [
+      '--no-warnings',
+      '--experimental-wasm-modules',
+      '--input-type=module',
+      '--eval',
+      [
+        'import { strictEqual } from "node:assert";',
+        `import * as wasmExports from ${JSON.stringify(fixtures.fileURL('es-modules/import-name.wasm'))};`,
+        'assert.strictEqual(wasmExports.xor(), 12345);',
+      ].join('\n'),
+    ]);
+    strictEqual(stderr, '');
+    strictEqual(stdout, '');
+    strictEqual(code, 0);
+  });
   it('should emit experimental warning', async () => {
     const { code, signal, stderr } = await spawnPromisified(execPath, [
Index: node-v16.20.2/test/fixtures/es-modules/export-name-code-injection.wat
--- /dev/null
+++ node-v16.20.2/test/fixtures/es-modules/export-name-code-injection.wat
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; Compiled using the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (
+;; $ wat2wasm export-name-code-injection.wat
+  (global $0 i32 (i32.const 123))
+  (global $1 i32 (i32.const 456))
+  (export ";import.meta.done=()=>{};console.log('code injection');{/*" (global $0))
+  (export "/*/$;`//" (global $1)))
Index: node-v16.20.2/test/fixtures/es-modules/export-name-syntax-error.wat
--- /dev/null
+++ node-v16.20.2/test/fixtures/es-modules/export-name-syntax-error.wat
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;; Compiled using the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (
+;; $ wat2wasm export-name-syntax-error.wat
+  (global $0 i32 (i32.const 12682))
+  (export "?f!o:o<b>a[r]" (global $0)))
Index: node-v16.20.2/test/fixtures/es-modules/import-name.wat
--- /dev/null
+++ node-v16.20.2/test/fixtures/es-modules/import-name.wat
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;; Compiled using the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (
+;; $ wat2wasm import-name.wat
+  (global $0 (import "./export-name-code-injection.wasm" ";import.meta.done=()=>{};console.log('code injection');{/*") i32)
+  (global $1 (import "./export-name-code-injection.wasm" "/*/$;`//") i32)
+  (global $2 (import "./export-name-syntax-error.wasm" "?f!o:o<b>a[r]") i32)
+  (func $xor (result i32)
+    (i32.xor (i32.xor (global.get $0) (global.get $1)) (global.get $2)))
+  (export "xor" (func $xor)))
Index: node-v16.20.2/lib/internal/bootstrap/loaders.js
--- node-v16.20.2.orig/lib/internal/bootstrap/loaders.js
+++ node-v16.20.2/lib/internal/bootstrap/loaders.js
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ const {
+  StringPrototypeSlice,
 } = primordials;
@@ -365,7 +366,9 @@ function nativeModuleRequire(id) {
 // Allow internal modules from dependencies to require
 // other modules from dependencies by providing fallbacks.
 function requireWithFallbackInDeps(request) {
-  if (! {
+  if (StringPrototypeStartsWith(request, 'node:')) {
+    request = StringPrototypeSlice(request, 5);
+  } else if (! {
     request = `internal/deps/${request}`;
   return nativeModuleRequire(request);
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