File hips-1.2-rc5-no-return-in-non-void.patch of Package hips
diff -aruN hips.orig/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c hips/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c
--- hips.orig/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c 2010-10-13 13:37:57.000000000 +0200
+++ hips/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c 2012-12-06 21:30:24.830613414 +0100
@@ -472,6 +472,7 @@
solvmtx->coefnbr = symbmtx->hdim[0]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[0].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[0].fcolnum+1);
memset(solvmtx->coeftab, 0, solvmtx->coefnbr*sizeof(COEF));
+ return 0;
int DBpack_matrix(VSolverMatrix* mat, COEF *coeff_buff, int *coeff_size_packed, int limitsize)
diff -aruN hips.orig/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c~ hips/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c~
--- hips.orig/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c~ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ hips/SRC/BLOCK/PARALLEL/DBcomm.c~ 2010-10-13 13:37:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+/* Copyright 2008-2009 CNRS */
+/* */
+/* File : DBcomm.c */
+/* */
+/* Description : This file is part of HIPS : Hierarchical Iterative */
+/* Parallel Solver ( */
+/* */
+/* Authors : J. GAIDAMOUR */
+/* License : CeCILL-C */
+/* */
+/* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */
+/* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */
+/* modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the */
+/* CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following */
+/* URL: "". */
+/* */
+/* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */
+/* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided */
+/* only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of */
+/* the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */
+/* liability. */
+/* */
+/* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */
+/* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */
+/* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */
+/* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */
+/* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */
+/* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */
+/* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards */
+/* their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their */
+/* systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and */
+/* operate it in the same conditions as regards security. */
+/* */
+/* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */
+/* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "db_parallel.h"
+#define COMM_MEMRATIO 1.0
+/* #define TRACE_COM */
+/* #define PRINT(arg...) printf(arg) */
+#define PRINT(arg...)
+void DBMatrix_MatricesAdd(VSolverMatrix* a, int matnbr, COEF **coeff_buff);
+void DBMatrix_MatricesCopy(VSolverMatrix* a, COEF *coeff_buff);
+long VSolverMatrix_nnz(VSolverMatrix* mat) {
+ dim_t k;
+ long nnz=0;
+ SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &mat->symbmtx;
+ for (k=0; k<symbmtx->cblknbr; k++) {
+ assert(symbmtx->cblknbr == 1); /* juste pour voir, inutile */
+ nnz += symbmtx->hdim[k]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum+1);
+ }
+ return nnz;
+int DBbuffer_size(int nnzB);
+void DBposte_block_receive(int indnum, mpi_t tag, DBMatrixFactComm *FC);
+void DBadd_contrib(VSolverMatrix* mat, DBBlockComm *bc);
+void DBgather_contrib(VSolverMatrix*, DBBlockComm *bc, VSolverMatrix* cstab);
+int DBpack_matrix(VSolverMatrix* mat, COEF *coeff_buff, int *coeff_size_packed, int limitsize);
+void DBMatrixFactComm_Setup(DBMatrixFactComm *FC, DBDistrMatrix *DM, PhidalDistrHID *DBL)
+ dim_t i, j, k, m;
+ int ind;
+ DBBlockComm *bc;
+ PhidalHID *BL;
+ DBMatrix *M;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBMatrixFactComm_Setup\n");
+ DBMatrixFactComm_Init(FC);
+ BL = &(DBL->LHID);
+ M = &(DM->M);
+ FC->comm_memratio = COMM_MEMRATIO;
+ FC->proc_id = DM->proc_id;
+ FC->bcomnbr = DM->sharenbr;
+ FC->mpicom = DBL->mpicom;
+ /* printf("-->%d\n", DM->sharenbr); */
+ if (DM->sharenbr > 0)
+ FC->bcomtab = (DBBlockComm *)malloc(sizeof(DBBlockComm) * DM->sharenbr);
+ else
+ FC->bcomtab = NULL;
+ FC->maxproc = 1; /** Need at least one buffer in cstab **/
+ for(i=M->tlj; i<= M->brj; i++)
+ for(k=M->cia[i];k<M->cia[i+1];k++)
+ {
+ ind = DM->cind[k];
+ if(ind >= 0)
+ {
+ bc = FC->bcomtab+ind;
+ if(DM->clead[k] == DM->proc_id)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+ assert(DM->pset_index[ind+1]-DM->pset_index[ind] > 1);
+ DBBlockComm_Init(bc, DM->pset_index[ind+1]-DM->pset_index[ind] - 1);
+ m = 0;
+ for(j=DM->pset_index[ind];j<DM->pset_index[ind+1];j++)
+ if(DM->pset[j] != DM->proc_id)
+ bc->proctab[m++] = DM->pset[j];
+ if(m > FC->maxproc)
+ FC->maxproc = m;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBBlockComm_Init(bc, 1);
+ bc->proctab[0] = DM->clead[k];
+ }
+ bc->buffsize = DBbuffer_size((int)VSolverMatrix_nnz(M->ca[k])/* ,nbcoli, nbcolj, FC->comm_memratio */);
+ }
+ }
+ if(FC->maxproc >0)
+ {
+ FC->status = (MPI_Status *)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Status)*FC->maxproc);
+ }
+void DBMatrixFactComm_PosteCtrbReceive(DBMatrixFactComm *FC, DBDistrMatrix *DM, dim_t tlj, dim_t brj) {
+ int /* i, */ j, k, ind;
+ DBMatrix *M;
+ M = &(DM->M);
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBMatrixFactComm_PosteCtrbReceive\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+ /* assert(M->tli <= tli); */
+ /* assert(M->bri >= bri); */
+ assert(M->tlj <= tlj);
+ assert(M->brj >= brj);
+ /* if(bri - tli < brj - tlj) { */
+/* assert(0); */
+/* for(i=tli;i<=bri;i++) */
+/* { */
+/* for(k=M->ria[i];k<M->ria[i+1];k++) */
+/* { */
+/* ind = DM->rind[k]; */
+/* if(ind >= 0 && DM->rlead[k] == DM->proc_id) */
+/* DBposte_block_receive(ind, CTRB_TAG, FC); */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* } else */
+/* { */
+ for(j=tlj;j<=brj;j++)
+ {
+ for(k=M->cia[j];k<M->cia[j+1];k++)
+ {
+ ind = DM->cind[k];
+ if(ind >= 0 && DM->clead[k] == DM->proc_id)
+ {
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "Proc %d poste ctrb receive for block %d %d \n", DM->proc_id, M->cja[k], j); */
+ DBposte_block_receive(ind, CTRB_TAG, FC);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* } */
+void DBposte_block_receive(int indnum, mpi_t tag, DBMatrixFactComm *FC)
+ dim_t k;
+ DBBlockComm *bc;
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+ assert(indnum >= 0);
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBposte_block_receive\n");
+ bc = FC->bcomtab+indnum;
+ /*fprintfv(5, stderr, "indnum %d rqnbr %d \n", indnum, bc->rqnbr);*/
+ if(bc->posted == 1) { /** The messages are already posted **/
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+ fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d : poste_block_receive : receive already posted\n", FC->proc_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(k=0;k<bc->rqnbr;k++)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+ assert(bc->buffsize>0);
+ bc->cbufftab[k] = (COEF *)malloc(sizeof(COEF)*(bc->buffsize));
+ assert( bc->cbufftab[k] != NULL);
+ /** Poste the Irecv for indice and coeff **/
+ /*fprintfv(5, stderr, "Proc %d : poste_block_receive COEF from proc %d\n", FC->proc_id, bc->proctab[k]);*/
+ if(MPI_Irecv( bc->cbufftab[k], CC(bc->buffsize), MPI_COEF_TYPE, bc->proctab[k],
+ tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, bc->crqtab+k) != MPI_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d : Error in poste_block_receive \n", FC->proc_id);
+ MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ bc->posted = 1;
+flag_t DBreceive_contrib(flag_t mode, VSolverMatrix* mat, int indnum, DBMatrixFactComm *FC)
+ /*---------------------------------------/
+ / Receive contributions for submatrix mat/
+ / identified by indnum /
+ / and add them to these blocks /
+ /---------------------------------------*/
+ dim_t i;
+ DBBlockComm *bc;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBreceive_contrib\n");
+ bc = FC->bcomtab+indnum;
+ if(mode == ASYNCHRONOUS)
+ {
+ int flag;
+ MPI_Testall(bc->rqnbr, bc->irqtab, &flag, FC->status);
+ if(flag != TRUE)
+ return NOT_READY;
+ MPI_Testall(bc->rqnbr, bc->crqtab, &flag, FC->status);
+ if(flag != TRUE)
+ return NOT_READY;
+ }
+ if(MPI_Waitall(bc->rqnbr, bc->crqtab, FC->status)
+ {
+ fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d, Error in receive_ctrb for block indnum = %d \n", FC->proc_id, indnum);
+ MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
+ }
+ //printf("ICI : add contrib\n");
+ DBadd_contrib(mat, bc);
+ for(i=0;i<bc->rqnbr;i++)
+ if(bc->cbufftab[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ free(bc->cbufftab[i]);
+ bc->cbufftab[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ bc->posted = 0;
+ return READY;
+int DBreceive_gather(flag_t mode, VSolverMatrix* mat, int indnum, DBMatrixFactComm *FC)
+ /*---------------------------------------/
+ / Receive contributions for submatrix mat/
+ / identified by indnum /
+ / and add them to these blocks /
+ /---------------------------------------*/
+ dim_t i;
+ DBBlockComm *bc;
+ assert(0);
+ bc = FC->bcomtab+indnum;
+ if(mode == ASYNCHRONOUS)
+ {
+ int flag;
+/* MPI_Testall(bc->rqnbr, bc->irqtab, &flag, FC->status); */
+/* if(flag != TRUE) */
+/* return NOT_READY; */
+ MPI_Testall(bc->rqnbr, bc->crqtab, &flag, FC->status);
+ if(flag != TRUE)
+ return NOT_READY;
+ }
+/* /\** RECEIVE INDICE **\/ */
+/* /\*fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d : wait receive IND from %d procs\n", FC->proc_id, bc->rqnbr);*\/ */
+/* if(MPI_Waitall(bc->rqnbr, bc->irqtab, FC->status) */
+/* != MPI_SUCCESS) */
+/* { */
+/* fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d, Error in receive_ctrb for block indnum = %d \n", FC->proc_id, indnum); */
+/* MPI_Abort(FC->mpicom, -1); */
+/* } */
+ /*fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d : wait receive COEFF from %d procs\n", FC->proc_id, bc->rqnbr);*/
+ if(MPI_Waitall(bc->rqnbr, bc->crqtab, FC->status)
+ {
+ fprintfd(stderr, "Proc %d, Error in receive_ctrb for block indnum = %d \n", FC->proc_id, indnum);
+ MPI_Abort(FC->mpicom, -1);
+ }
+ DBgather_contrib(mat, bc, FC->cstab/* , FC->tmpj, FC->tmpa, FC->jrev */);
+ /** Free the receive buffers **/
+/* for(i=0;i<bc->rqnbr;i++) */
+/* if(bc->ibufftab[i] != NULL) */
+/* { */
+/* free(bc->ibufftab[i]); */
+/* bc->ibufftab[i] = NULL; */
+/* FC->bufmem -= sizeof(dim_t)*bc->buffsize; */
+/* FC->posted--; */
+/* } */
+ for(i=0;i<bc->rqnbr;i++)
+ if(bc->cbufftab[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ free(bc->cbufftab[i]);
+ bc->cbufftab[i] = NULL;
+ FC->bufmem -= sizeof(COEF)*bc->buffsize;
+ FC->posted--;
+ }
+ bc->posted = 0;
+ return READY;
+flag_t DBreceive_matrix(flag_t mode, VSolverMatrix* mat, int indnum, DBMatrixFactComm *FC)
+ THE MESSAGE ******/
+/* PRINT("comm.c : DBreceive_matrix\n"); */
+ /*-------------------------------------------/
+ / Receive a SparRow matrix from the leader /
+ / of this matrix /
+ /-------------------------------------------*/
+ DBBlockComm *bc;
+ bc = FC->bcomtab+indnum;
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+/* printf("%d\n", bc->rqnbr); */
+ assert(bc->rqnbr == 1);
+ if(mode == ASYNCHRONOUS)
+ {
+ int flag;
+ MPI_Test(bc->irqtab, &flag, FC->status);
+ if(flag != TRUE)
+ return NOT_READY;
+ MPI_Test(bc->crqtab, &flag, FC->status);
+ if(flag != TRUE)
+ return NOT_READY;
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_COM
+ fprintfd(stderr, "comm.c : Proc %d receive matrix \n", FC->proc_id);
+/* printf("%p %p\n", bc->crqtab, FC->status); */
+ if(MPI_Wait(bc->crqtab, FC->status)
+ {
+ fprintfd(stderr, "comm.c : Proc %d, Error in receive_matrix for block indnum = %d \n", FC->proc_id, indnum);
+ MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_COM
+ fprintfd(stderr, "comm.c --- DONE Proc %d receive matrix \n", FC->proc_id);
+ /** UNPACK THE MATRIX IN mat **/
+ DBMatrix_MatricesCopy(mat, bc->cbufftab[0]);
+ /* memset(mat->solvmtx->coeftab, 0, sizeof(mat->solvmtx->coefnbr)); */
+ /* DBMatrix_MatricesAdd(mat, 1, &bc->cbufftab[0]); */
+ if(bc->cbufftab[0] != NULL)
+ {
+ free(bc->cbufftab[0]);
+ bc->cbufftab[0] = NULL;
+ }
+ return READY;
+void DBsend_matrix(VSolverMatrix* mat, int indnum, mpi_t tag, DBMatrixFactComm *FC)
+ dim_t k;
+ DBBlockComm *bc;
+ COEF *coeff_buffptr;
+ int coeff_size_packed;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBsend_matrix\n");
+ bc = FC->bcomtab+indnum;
+ coeff_buffptr = (COEF *)malloc(sizeof(COEF)*bc->buffsize);
+ assert(coeff_buffptr != NULL);
+ /** Pack contrib of block (i,j) into buffers **/
+ coeff_size_packed = 0;
+ if(DBpack_matrix(mat, coeff_buffptr, &coeff_size_packed, bc->buffsize)!=0)
+ {
+ fprintfd(stderr, "Error in pack_matrix: unsufficient memory allocated for buffer \n");
+ /* fprintfv(5, stderr, "Number of nnz in matrix to pack = %ld Dim = %ld \n", (long)CSnnz(mat), (long)mat->n); */
+ fprintfd(stderr, "buffer size in NNZ = %ld, try a higher value for comm_memratio\n", (long int)bc->buffsize);
+ MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
+ }
+ /** The dest. of the message is the same set of processor
+ than the one from which the local processor waits for message **/
+ for(k=0;k<bc->rqnbr;k++)
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE_COM
+ fprintfd(stderr, "comm.c : Proc %d send matrix to proc %d\n", FC->proc_id, bc->proctab[k]);
+ MPI_Send(coeff_buffptr, CC(coeff_size_packed), MPI_COEF_TYPE, bc->proctab[k], tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+#ifdef TRACE_COM
+ fprintfd(stderr, "comm.c : --- DONE Proc %d send matrix to proc %d\n", FC->proc_id, bc->proctab[k]);
+ }
+ free(coeff_buffptr);
+int reinitVSolverMatrix(VSolverMatrix* mat)
+ SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &mat->symbmtx;
+ SolverMatrix* solvmtx = mat->solvmtx;
+ /* hack , pb valeur solvmtx->coeftab dans la VSolverMatrix */
+ solvmtx->coefnbr = symbmtx->hdim[0]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[0].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[0].fcolnum+1);
+ memset(solvmtx->coeftab, 0, solvmtx->coefnbr*sizeof(COEF));
+int DBpack_matrix(VSolverMatrix* mat, COEF *coeff_buff, int *coeff_size_packed, int limitsize)
+ SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &mat->symbmtx;
+ SolverMatrix* solvmtx = mat->solvmtx;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBpack_matrix\n");
+#define OLD
+#ifndef OLD
+ /* en alloc=BLK, c super simple ! */
+ assert(symbmtx->cblknbr == 1);
+ assert(solvmtx->coefnbr == symbmtx->hdim[0]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[0].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[0].fcolnum+1));
+ memcpy(coeff_buff, solvmtx->coeftab, solvmtx->coefnbr*sizeof(COEF));
+ (*coeff_size_packed) = solvmtx->coeftab;
+ dim_t k,i;
+ int ind = 0;
+ COEF* bc;
+ blas_t stride, hdim;
+ for (k=0; k<symbmtx->cblknbr; k++) {
+ hdim = symbmtx->hdim[k];
+ if (hdim == 0) continue;
+ bc = solvmtx->coeftab + solvmtx->bloktab[symbmtx->bcblktab[k].fbloknum].coefind;
+ stride = symbmtx->stride[k];
+ if (ind + hdim*(symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum+1) > limitsize)
+ return -1;
+ for(i=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum; i<=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum; i++) {
+ memcpy(coeff_buff+ind, bc, hdim*sizeof(COEF));
+ bc += stride;
+ ind += hdim;
+ }
+ }
+ (*coeff_size_packed) = ind;
+ return 0;
+int DBbuffer_size(int nnzB/* , int nbcoli, int nbcolj, REAL commratio */)
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBbuffer_size\n");
+ return nnzB;
+void DBMatrix_MatricesCopy(VSolverMatrix* a, COEF *coeff_buff) {
+/* memset(a->solvmtx->coeftab, 0, sizeof(a->solvmtx->coefnbr)); */
+/* DBMatrix_MatricesAdd(a, 1, &coeff_buff); */
+ dim_t k,i;
+ blas_t stride, hdim;
+ int ind=0;
+ COEF* bc;
+ SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &a->symbmtx;
+ SolverMatrix* solvmtx = a->solvmtx;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBMatrix_MatricesCopy\n");
+#define OLD_2
+#ifndef OLD_2
+ /* en alloc=BLK, c super simple ! */
+ assert(0);
+ /* hack , pb valeur solvmtx->coeftab dans la VSolverMatrix */
+ assert(symbmtx->cblknbr == 1);
+ solvmtx->coefnbr = symbmtx->hdim[0]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[0].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[0].fcolnum+1);
+ memcpy(coeff_buff, solvmtx->coeftab, solvmtx->coefnbr*sizeof(COEF));
+ (*coeff_size_packed) = solvmtx->coeftab;
+ for (k=0; k<symbmtx->cblknbr; k++) {
+ {
+ hdim = symbmtx->hdim[k];
+ if (hdim == 0) continue;
+ bc = solvmtx->coeftab + solvmtx->bloktab[symbmtx->bcblktab[k].fbloknum].coefind;
+ stride = symbmtx->stride[k];
+ /** **/
+ for(i=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum; i<=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum; i++) {
+ memcpy(bc, coeff_buff+ind, hdim*sizeof(COEF));
+ bc += stride;
+ ind += hdim;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* void VSolverMatrix_p(VSolverMatrix* a) { */
+/* /\* COEF un=1.0; *\/ */
+/* /\* int UN=1; *\/ */
+/* int /\* im, *\/i, /\* j, *\/ k; */
+/* blas_t stride, hdim; */
+/* int ind=0; */
+/* COEF* bc; */
+/* SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &a->symbmtx; */
+/* SolverMatrix* solvmtx = a->solvmtx; */
+/* printfd("ADD %p %d\n", a, symbmtx->cblknbr); */
+/* for (k=0; k<symbmtx->cblknbr; k++) { */
+/* { */
+/* hdim = symbmtx->hdim[k]; */
+/* if (hdim == 0) continue; */
+/* bc = solvmtx->coeftab + solvmtx->bloktab[symbmtx->bcblktab[k].fbloknum].coefind; */
+/* stride = symbmtx->stride[k]; */
+/* printfd("ICI\n"); */
+/* /\** Add row i of each contribution matrices **\/ */
+/* for(i=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum; i<=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum; i++) { */
+/* /\* for(im=0;im<matnbr;im++) *\/ */
+/* /\* { *\/ */
+/* /\* BLAS_AXPY(hdim, un, coeff_buff[im]+ind, UN, bc, UN); *\/ */
+/* printfd("ADD\n"); */
+/* /\* } *\/ */
+/* bc += stride; */
+/* ind += hdim; */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* exit(1); */
+/* } */
+void DBMatrix_MatricesAdd(VSolverMatrix* a, int matnbr, COEF **coeff_buff) {
+ COEF un=1.0;
+ int UN=1;
+ int im, i, /* j, */ k;
+ blas_t stride, hdim;
+ int ind=0;
+ COEF* bc;
+ SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &a->symbmtx;
+ SolverMatrix* solvmtx = a->solvmtx;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBMatrix_MatricesAdd %d\n", matnbr);
+#define OLD_3
+#ifndef OLD_3
+ /* en alloc=BLK, c super simple ! */
+ assert(0);
+ /* hack , pb valeur solvmtx->coeftab dans la VSolverMatrix */
+ assert(symbmtx->cblknbr == 1);
+ solvmtx->coefnbr = symbmtx->hdim[0]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[0].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[0].fcolnum+1);
+ memcpy(coeff_buff, solvmtx->coeftab, solvmtx->coefnbr*sizeof(COEF));
+ (*coeff_size_packed) = solvmtx->coeftab;
+ for (k=0; k<symbmtx->cblknbr; k++) {
+ {
+ hdim = symbmtx->hdim[k];
+ if (hdim == 0) continue;
+ bc = solvmtx->coeftab + solvmtx->bloktab[symbmtx->bcblktab[k].fbloknum].coefind;
+ stride = symbmtx->stride[k];
+ /** Add row i of each contribution matrices **/
+ for(i=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum; i<=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum; i++) {
+ for(im=0;im<matnbr;im++)
+ {
+ /* printf("ICI %lf <- += %lf\n", bc[0], (coeff_buff[im]+ind)[0]); */
+ BLAS_AXPY(hdim, un, coeff_buff[im]+ind, UN, bc, UN);
+ }
+ bc += stride;
+ ind += hdim;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DBMatrix_MatricesGather(VSolverMatrix* a, int matnbr, COEF **coeff_buff) {
+ COEF un=1.0;
+ int UN=1;
+ int im, i, /* j, */ k;
+ blas_t stride, hdim;
+ int ind=0;
+ COEF* bc;
+ SymbolMatrix* symbmtx = &a->symbmtx;
+ SolverMatrix* solvmtx = a->solvmtx;
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBMatrix_MatricesGather %d\n", matnbr);
+#define OLD_4
+#ifndef OLD_4
+ /* en alloc=BLK, c super simple ! */
+ assert(0);
+ /* hack , pb valeur solvmtx->coeftab dans la VSolverMatrix */
+ assert(symbmtx->cblknbr == 1);
+ solvmtx->coefnbr = symbmtx->hdim[0]*(symbmtx->ccblktab[0].lcolnum-symbmtx->ccblktab[0].fcolnum+1);
+ memcpy(coeff_buff, solvmtx->coeftab, solvmtx->coefnbr*sizeof(COEF));
+ (*coeff_size_packed) = solvmtx->coeftab;
+ for (k=0; k<symbmtx->cblknbr; k++) {
+ {
+ hdim = symbmtx->hdim[k];
+ if (hdim == 0) continue;
+ bc = solvmtx->coeftab + solvmtx->bloktab[symbmtx->bcblktab[k].fbloknum].coefind;
+ stride = symbmtx->stride[k];
+ /** Add row i of each contribution matrices **/
+ for(i=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].fcolnum; i<=symbmtx->ccblktab[k].lcolnum; i++) {
+ for(im=0;im<matnbr;im++)
+ {
+ /* if several entryies */
+ /* a(i,j) in the contribution have not the same value then the */
+ /* one with the maximum modulus is retained */
+ {
+ int l;
+ for(l=0; l<hdim; l++) {
+ COEF val = (coeff_buff[im]+ind)[l];
+ if (coefabs(bc[l]) < coefabs(val))
+ bc[l] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bc += stride;
+ ind += hdim;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DBadd_contrib(VSolverMatrix* mat, DBBlockComm *bc)
+ PRINT("comm.c : DBadd_contrib\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+ assert(bc->rqnbr>0);
+ /* DBMatrix_MatricesCopy(mat, bc->cbufftab[0]); */
+ /* VSolverMatrix_print(stdout, mat, DIAG); */
+ /** Add the contributions in matrix mat **/
+ /* DBMatrix_MatricesAdd(mat, bc->rqnbr, cstab/\* , tmpj, tmpa, jrev *\/); */
+ DBMatrix_MatricesAdd(mat, bc->rqnbr, bc->cbufftab);
+void DBgather_contrib(VSolverMatrix* mat, DBBlockComm *bc, VSolverMatrix* cstab /*, int *tmpj, COEF *tmpa, int *jrev */)
+ dim_t k;
+/* csptr t; */
+/* if(mat->inarow != 0) */
+/* CSunrealloc(mat); */
+ assert(0);
+#ifdef DEBUG_M
+/* assert(mat->inarow == 0); */
+ assert(bc->rqnbr>0);
+/* for(k=0;k<bc->rqnbr;k++) */
+/* unpack_matrix(cstab+k, bc->ibufftab[k], bc->cbufftab[k]); */
+ /** Add the contributions in matrix mat **/
+ DBMatrix_MatricesGather(mat, bc->rqnbr, bc->cbufftab/* cstab, tmpj, tmpa, jrev */);