File debian.README.Debian of Package dcc
DCC clients use the UDP port 6277 for outgoing connections. For more
information see "Which ports do I need to open in my firewall?" in FAQ.html.
Enable DCC with:
systemctl enable --now dccifd.service
If you use rspamd, set DCCM_REJECT_AT=MANY in /etc/dcc/dcc_conf and follow the
instructions in
If you use SpamAssassin, enable the DCC plugin in
If you use Exim, append -SX-Envelope-From to DCCIFD_ARGS in /etc/dcc/dcc_conf
and use the X-Envelope-From header instead of env_From in /etc/dcc/whiteclnt.
ok substitute X-Envelope-From <>
The programs cdcc, dccproc and dccsight are installed without setuid
permissions, which are only required if DCC is run by ordinary users. Run
"dpkg-reconfigure -plow dcc" to set the permissions on Debian-based systems.
On RPM-based distributions, build your own packages with "rpmbuild --with
install_setuid dcc.spec".