File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.1599

  <issue tracker="bnc" id="815331">gnome-games: backport several upstream fixes</issue>
  <issue tracker="bgo" id="675628">glines segmentation fault</issue>
  <issue tracker="bgo" id="696475">Hang when Phalanx attempts to promote a piece</issue>
  <issue tracker="bgo" id="655299">Setting board orientation to human doesn't work when playing as black</issue>
  <summary>gnome-games: several fixes</summary>
  <description>gnome-games was updated to a crash with glines and several issues with glchess (bnc#815331):
- glines: fix segfault in 32-bit version (on openSUSE 12.2)
- glchess: fix being able to castle when square being moved over is threatened by a pawn
- glchess: fix AI hang when Phalanx attempts to promote
- glchess: only allow pawns to move en passant
- glchess: when moving en passant, remove captured pawn from the board
- glchess: do not allow castling if the rook has been taken
- glchess: fix "human" board orientation when playing as Black</description>
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