File of Package python3
""" generate macros.python3 file from known values """
import sys,os
from sysconfig import get_path, get_config_var
version = "{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info)
abiflags = get_config_var("ABIFLAGS")
macros = {
"py3_ver": version,
"py3_prefix": sys.prefix,
# hack-fix for bnc#787526 - get_path can't be used this way in python build dir
# "py3_incdir": get_path("include"),
"py3_incdir": "/usr/include/python" + version + abiflags,
"py3_abiflags": abiflags,
"py3_soflags": get_config_var("SOABI"),
"python3_sitelib": get_path("purelib"),
"python3_sitearch": get_path("platlib"),
"py3_compile(O)": """
find %1 -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} ";"
python3 -c "import sys, os, compileall; br='%{buildroot}'; compileall.compile_dir(sys.argv[1], ddir=br and (sys.argv[1][len(os.path.abspath(br)):]+'/') or None)" %1
find %1 -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} ";"
python3 -O -c "import sys, os, compileall; br='%{buildroot}'; compileall.compile_dir(sys.argv[1], ddir=br and (sys.argv[1][len(os.path.abspath(br)):]+'/') or None)" %1
for (macro,definition) in macros.items():
definition = "\\\n".join(definition.split("\n"))
print( "%{} {}".format(macro, definition))