File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.3298

<patchinfo incident="3298">
  <summary>recommended update for netcfg</summary>
  <description>This recommended update for netcfg fixes the following issues:
- Redo the HOSTNAME -&amp;gt; hostname migration to support smallest possible step. Thus ensuring the migration is done just once and finished:
   # HOSTNAME migration supported scenarios [bnc#858908]:
   # /etc/HOSTNAME -&amp;gt; /etc/hostname content preservation.
   # If hostname and HOSTNAME both exist HOSTNAME wins.
   # Nothing apart from content of the document is preserved
- Solves bnc#858908 and bnc#899506 while moves bnc#887039 to unsupported scenarios.
- Remove the socket check from the defaultdomain checker as it was always false and thus not needed
- Drop the scriptlet for the netgroup handling. It was caused by the aaa_base -&amp;gt; netcfg move</description>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="899506">netcfg's rename of HOSTNAME breaks</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="858908">/etc/hostname vs. /etc/HOSTNAME confusion</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="887039">unnecessary write to /etc/HOSTNAME and/or /etc/hostname unnecessarily prevents netcfg installation</issue>
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