File ez-ipupdate-joker_com.patch of Package ez-ipupdate

From: Philipp Thomas <>
Date: 2013-04-10 17:53:34+02:00
Subject: Add support for

Add support for the dyndns service of

 ez-ipupdate.c |  192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+)


Index: ez-ipupdate.c
--- ez-ipupdate.c.orig	2013-04-11 10:50:22.180672887 +0200
+++ ez-ipupdate.c	2013-04-11 10:54:02.685445947 +0200
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@
 #define DNSEXIT_REQUEST "/"
+#define JOKER_DEFAULT_PORT "80"
+#define JOKER_REQUEST "/nic/update"
 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 120
@@ -353,6 +357,10 @@ int DNSEXIT_check_info(void);
 static char *DNSEXIT_fields_used[] = { "server", "user", "address", "wildcard", "mx", "host", NULL };
+int JOKER_update_entry(void);
+int JOKER_check_info(void);
+static char *JOKER_fields_used[] = { "server", "user", "address", "wildcard", "mx", "host", NULL };
 struct service_t services[] = {
   { "NULL",
     { "null", "NULL", 0, },
@@ -538,6 +546,16 @@ struct service_t services[] = {
+  { "joker",
+    { "joker", 0, 0, },
+    NULL,
+    JOKER_update_entry,
+    JOKER_check_info,
+    JOKER_fields_used,
+  },
 static struct service_t *service = NULL;
@@ -4265,6 +4283,180 @@ int HEIPV6TB_update_entry(void)
+  }
+  return(UPDATERES_OK);
+int JOKER_check_info(void)
+  char buf[BUFSIZ+1];
+  if((host == NULL) || (*host == '\0'))
+  {
+    if(options & OPT_DAEMON)
+    {
+      return(-1);
+    }
+    if(host) { free(host); }
+    printf("host: ");
+    *buf = '\0';
+    fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, stdin);
+    host = strdup(buf);
+    chomp(host);
+  }
+  if(interface == NULL && address == NULL)
+  {
+    if(options & OPT_DAEMON)
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, "you must provide either an interface or an address\n");
+      return(-1);
+    }
+    if(interface) { free(interface); }
+    printf("interface: ");
+    *buf = '\0';
+    fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, stdin);
+    chomp(buf);
+    option_handler(CMD_interface, buf);
+  }
+  warn_fields(service->fields_used);
+  return 0;
+int JOKER_update_entry(void)
+  char buf[BUFFER_SIZE+1];
+  char *bp = buf;
+  int bytes;
+  int btot;
+  int ret;
+  buf[BUFFER_SIZE] = '\0';
+  if(do_connect((int*)&client_sockfd, server, port) != 0)
+  {
+    if(!(options & OPT_QUIET))
+    {
+      show_message("error connecting to %s:%s\n", server, port);
+    }
+    return(UPDATERES_ERROR);
+  }
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "GET %s?", request);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "username", user_name);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "password", password);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "hostname", host);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "myip", address);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "wildcard", wildcard ? "yes" : "no");
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "mx", mx);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "backmx", *mx == '\0' ? "NO" : "YES");
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, " HTTP/1.0\015\012");
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "User-Agent: %s-%s %s [%s] (%s)\015\012",
+      "ez-update", VERSION, OS, (options & OPT_DAEMON) ? "daemon" : "", "by Angus Mackay");
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "Host: %s\015\012", server);
+  output(buf);
+  snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "\015\012");
+  output(buf);
+  bp = buf;
+  bytes = 0;
+  btot = 0;
+  while((bytes=read_input(bp, BUFFER_SIZE-btot)) > 0)
+  {
+    bp += bytes;
+    btot += bytes;
+    dprintf((stderr, "btot: %d\n", btot));
+  }
+  close(client_sockfd);
+  buf[btot] = '\0';
+  dprintf((stderr, "server output: %s\n", buf));
+  if(sscanf(buf, " HTTP/1.%*c %3d", &ret) != 1)
+  {
+    ret = -1;
+  }
+  switch(ret)
+  {
+    case -1:
+      if(!(options & OPT_QUIET))
+      {
+        show_message("strange server response, are you connecting to the right server?\n");
+      }
+      return(UPDATERES_ERROR);
+      break;
+    case 200:
+      if(!(options & OPT_QUIET))
+      {
+        printf("request successful\n");
+      }
+      break;
+    case 302:
+      // There is no neat way to determine the exact error other than to
+      // parse the Location part of the mime header to find where we're
+      // being redirected.
+      if(!(options & OPT_QUIET))
+      {
+        // reuse the auth buffer
+        *auth = '\0';
+        bp = strstr(buf, "Location: ");
+        if((bp < strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n")) && (sscanf(bp, "Location: http://%*[^/]%255[^\r\n]", auth) == 1))
+        {
+          bp = strrchr(auth, '/') + 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          bp = "";
+        }
+        dprintf((stderr, "location: %s\n", bp));
+        if(!(strncmp(bp, "domainmismatch.htm", strlen(bp)) && strncmp(bp, "invname.htm", strlen(bp))))
+        {
+          show_message("invalid host name\n");
+        }
+        else if(!strncmp(bp, "invkey.htm", strlen(bp)))
+        {
+          show_message("invalid password(tzo key)\n");
+        }
+        else if(!(strncmp(bp, "emailmismatch.htm", strlen(bp)) && strncmp(bp, "invemail.htm", strlen(bp))))
+        {
+          show_message("invalid user name(email address)\n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          show_message("unknown error\n");
+        }
+      }
+      return(UPDATERES_ERROR);
+      break;
+    default:
+      if(!(options & OPT_QUIET))
+      {
+        // reuse the auth buffer
+        *auth = '\0';
+        sscanf(buf, " HTTP/1.%*c %*3d %255[^\r\n]", auth);
+        show_message("unknown return code: %d\n", ret);
+        show_message("server response: %s\n", auth);
+      }
+      return(UPDATERES_ERROR);
+      break;
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