File of Package pcp-image

# Performance Co-Pilot container

Performance Co-Pilot ([PCP]( is a system performance analysis toolkit.

## Usage

$ podman run -d \
    --name pcp \
    --systemd always \
    -p 44321:44321 \
    -p 44322:44322 \
    -v pcp-archives:/var/log/pcp/pmlogger \

**Note:** On SELinux enabled systems, the following boolean needs to be set: `sudo setsebool -P container_manage_cgroup true`

### Enabling host processes, network and container metrics

$ sudo podman run -d \
    --name pcp \
    --privileged \
    --net host \
    --systemd always \
    -e HOST_MOUNT=/host \
    -v pcp-archives:/var/log/pcp/pmlogger \
    -v /:/host:ro,rslave \

## Configuration

### Environment Variables

Default: `pmcd,pmie,pmlogger,pmproxy`

Comma-separated list of PCP services to start.

Default: unset.

Path inside the container to the bind mount of `/` on the host.

Default: `localhost:6379`

Redis connection spec(s) - could be any individual cluster host, and all hosts in the cluster will be automatically discovered.
Alternately, use comma-separated hostspecs (non-clustered setup)

### Configuration Files

For custom configuration options beyond the above environment variables, it is advised to use a bind mount with a configuration file on the host to the container.
Example command to run a pmlogger-only container:

$ podman run -d \
    --name pmlogger \
    --systemd always \
    -e PCP_SERVICES=pmlogger \
    -v $(pwd)/pmlogger.control:/etc/pcp/pmlogger/control.d/local:z \
    -v pcp-archives:/var/log/pcp/pmlogger \


remote.pmcdhost.corp	n   n	PCP_ARCHIVE_DIR/remote_pmcd	-N -r -T24h10m -c config.default -v 100Mb

## Volumes

### `/var/log/pcp/pmlogger`

Performance Co-Pilot archive files with historical metrics.

## Ports

### `44321/tcp`

The pmcd daemon listens on this port and exposes the [PMAPI(3)]( to access metrics.

### `44322/tcp`

The pmproxy daemon listens on this port and exposes the REST [PMWEBAPI(3)]( to access metrics.

## Documentation

[PCP books](

## Licensing
`SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1+ AND GPL-2.0+)`

The build recipe and this documentation is licensed as (LGPL-2.1+ AND GPL-2.0+).
The container itself contains various software components under various open source licenses listed in the associated
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

This image is based on [openSUSE Tumbleweed](
openSUSE Build Service is sponsored by