File README.SUSE of Package certbot
Explanatory notes
When you don't know a lot about certbot, you sould use first the staging server.
With staging server you can make tests without lock out you from letsencrypt servers.
You can sitch to it in /etc/certbot/cli.ini.
After switch to staging server, you can generate a test certificate.
And after tests and everything is in order you must change back to production server
After switch back to production server, you must also generate your production certificate.
Things you must change to use the staging or producation server
First you must change settings (domains, email, challenges) in
Things you must change to use the staging server
You must change the server in /etc/certbot/cli.ini to staging server.
You can make tests without lock out you from letsencrypt servers.
Things you must change to use the production server
At beginning in /etc/certbot/cli.ini the production server is enabled.
After switch to staging after test, you must switch back to production server
in /etc/certbot/cli.ini.
You _must_ change /etc/cron.d/certbot with your settings,
so the certificate is renewed.
Change from letsencrypt-client to certbot-client
You must only copy your configs, key and so on from /etc/letsencrypt to /etc/certbot.
Also you must change /etc/cron/certbot as /etc/cron/letsencrypt it is.
And, perhaps, you must change your paths in the ssl-conf from apache or nginx to.
And change the paths in /etc/certbot/renewal from /etc/letsencrypt/... to /etc/certbot/...