File cacti-config.patch of Package cacti

diff -Naur cacti-1.0.2.orig/include/config.php cacti-1.0.2/include/config.php
--- cacti-1.0.2.orig/include/config.php	2017-02-12 02:23:34.000000000 +0100
+++ cacti-1.0.2/include/config.php	2017-02-13 07:59:15.942975952 +0100
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
  * the main cacti server.  otherwise, these variables have no use. 
  * and must remain commented out. */
-#$rdatabase_type     = 'mysql';
-#$rdatabase_default  = 'cacti';
-#$rdatabase_hostname = 'localhost';
-#$rdatabase_username = 'cactiuser';
-#$rdatabase_password = 'cactiuser';
-#$rdatabase_port     = '3306';
-#$rdatabase_ssl      = false;
+//$rdatabase_type     = 'mysql';
+//$rdatabase_default  = 'cacti';
+//$rdatabase_hostname = 'localhost';
+//$rdatabase_username = 'cactiuser';
+//$rdatabase_password = 'cactiuser';
+//$rdatabase_port     = '3306';
+//$rdatabase_ssl      = false;
 /* the poller_id of this system.  set to '1' for the main cacti
  * web server.  otherwise, you this value should be the poller_id
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@
  * http://serverip/cacti/ this would be set to /cacti/.
-$url_path = '/cacti/';
+//$url_path = '/cacti/';
 /* default session name - session name must contain alpha characters */
-$cacti_session_name = 'Cacti';
+//$cacti_session_name = 'Cacti';
 /* save sessions to a database for load balancing */
-$cacti_db_session = false;
+//$cacti_db_session = false;
 /* optional parameters to define scripts and resource paths.  these
  * variables become important when using remote poller installs
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