File classpathx-mail-docbuild.patch of Package classpathx-mail

Index: build.xml
--- build.xml.orig
+++ build.xml
@@ -210,8 +210,7 @@ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Frank
   <target name='javadoc' depends='init' description='Build the JavaDoc API documentation'>
     <mkdir dir='${doc}'/>
     <javadoc destdir='${doc}' use='true' author='true'
-      windowtitle='GNU JavaMail API documentation'
-      classpathref='provider.classpath'>
+      windowtitle='GNU JavaMail API documentation'>
       <doctitle><![CDATA[<h3>GNU JavaMail</h3>]]></doctitle>
       <bottom><![CDATA[&copy;]]> Copyright 2003, 2004
             The Free Software Foundation, All rights reserved</bottom>
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