File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.4877

<patchinfo incident="4877">
  <issue id="956917" tracker="bnc">Closing window with 'x' icon doesn't work</issue>
  <issue id="954412" tracker="bnc">Generated autoyast profile does not validate</issue>
This update fixes schema validation issues in the following YaST2 modules:

- yast2-audit-laf
- yast2-bootloader
- yast2-dhcp-server
- yast2-firewall
- yast2-inetd
- yast2-kdump
- yast2-mail
- yast2-ntp-client
- yast2-samba-server
- yast2-services-manager
- yast2-users
  <summary>Recommended update for YaST2 modules</summary>
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