File backintime-ssh-agent_only_if_password.patch of Package backintime

diff -Pdpru backintime-1.1.4.orig/common/ backintime-1.1.4/common/
--- backintime-1.1.4.orig/common/	2015-03-22 23:45:40.000000000 +0100
+++ backintime-1.1.4/common/	2015-06-09 18:11:41.811995216 +0200
@@ -97,7 +97,11 @@ class SSH(mount.MountControl):
                            'But this can make troubles with passphrase-less keys.' 
                            %{'path': self.private_key_file})
             self.private_key_fingerprint = self.private_key_file
-        self.unlock_ssh_agent()
+        # ssh without password makes only sense if you have enabled passwordless ssh keys.
+        # In this case there is no need to use the keyring at all.
+        if not self.password == None:
+            self.unlock_ssh_agent()
     def _mount(self):
         """mount the service"""
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