File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.5832
<patchinfo incident="5832">
<issue id="997171" tracker="bnc">akgregator aborts on article view with nouveau backtrace</issue>
<issue id="1005323" tracker="bnc">Nouveau 3D/DRI driver disabled by default on Leap 42.2</issue>
This update for libqt5-qtwebengine disables the use of the GPU when the Nouveau
OpenGL driver is detected. This is necessary because Nouveau doesn't support
rendering from different threads. Also, two new environment variables can be
used to control this behavior:
- QT_WEBENGINE_DISABLE_GPU can be used to force the disabling of the GPU; and
- QT_WEBENGINE_DISABLE_NOUVEAU_WORKAROUND can be used to disable the detection
of Nouveau, making it easier for users to try with newer Nouveau releases.
This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-12-SP2:Update update project.</description>
<summary>Recommended update for libqt5-qtwebengine</summary>