File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.8029

<patchinfo incident="8029">
<issue tracker="cve" id="2017-9433"/>
<issue tracker="cve" id="2018-1055"/>
<issue tracker="cve" id="2018-6871"/>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1077375">[Build 422.1] Libreoffice writer default font was changed from "Liberation Serif" to "DejaVu Serif".</issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1080249">VUL-0: CVE-2018-1055: libreoffice: Remote arbitrary file disclosure vulnerability using WEBSERVICE</issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1083213">Please drop unnecessary xorg-x11-fonts requires</issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1083993">The "libreoffice-gtk3" package should be installed with MATE by default</issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1089124">[Build :7048:boost.1523387412] openQA test fails in gnome_documents</issue>
<issue tracker="fate" id="324870"/>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1088662">[TRACKERBUG] FATE#324870: [ECO] Update Libreoffice to 6.0.x</issue>
<issue tracker="cve" id="2017-9432"/>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1042829">VUL-0: CVE-2017-9432: libstaroffice: before 2017-04-07 has an out-of-boundswrite caused by a stack-based buffer overflow related to the DatabaseName::readfunction in lib/StarWriterStruct.cxx.</issue>
  <summary>Recommended update for LibreOffice</summary>
 <description>LibreOffice was updated to version 6.0.3.

Following new features were added:

- The Notebookbar, although still an experimental feature, has been
  enriched with two new variants: Grouped Bar Full for Writer, Calc and
  Impress, and Tabbed Compact for Writer. The Special Characters dialog
  has been reworked, with the addition of lists for Recent and Favorite
  characters, along with a Search field. The Customize dialog has also
  been redesigned, and is now more modern and intuitive.
- In Writer, a Form menu has been added, making it easier to access one
  of the most powerful – and often unknown – LibreOffice features: the
  ability to design forms, and create standards-compliant PDF forms. The
  Find toolbar has been enhanced with a drop-down list of search types, to
  speed up navigation. A new default table style has been added, together
  with a new collection of table styles to reflect evolving visual trends.
- The Mail Merge function has been improved, and it is now possible to
  use either a Writer document or an XLSX file as data source.
- In Calc, ODF 1.2-compliant functions SEARCHB, FINDB and REPLACEB have
  been added, to improve support for the ISO standard format. Also, a
  cell range selection or a selected group of shapes (images) can be now
  exported in PNG or JPG format.
- In Impress, the default slide size has been switched to 16:9, to support
  the most recent form factors of screens and projectors. As a consequence,
  10 new Impress templates have been added, and a couple of old templates
  have been updated.

Changes in components:

- The old WikiHelp has been replaced by the new Help Online system, with
  attractive web pages that can also be displayed on mobile devices. In
  general, LibreOffice Help has been updated both in terms of contents and
  code, with other improvements due all along the life of the LibreOffice
  6 family.
- User dictionaries now allow automatic affixation or compounding. This
  is a general spell checking improvement in LibreOffice which can speed
  up work for Writer users. Instead of manually handling several forms of a
  new word in a language with rich morphology or compounding, the Hunspell
  spell checker can automatically recognize a new word with affixes or
  compounds, based on a “Grammar By” model.

Security features and changes:

- OpenPGP keys can be used to sign ODF documents on all desktop operating
  systems, with experimental support for OpenPGP-based encryption. To enable
  this feature, users will have to install the specific GPG software for
  their operating systems.

- Document classification has also been improved, and allows multiple
  policies (which are now exported to OOXML files). In Writer, marking
  and signing are now supported at paragraph level.

Interoperability changes:

- OOXML interoperability has been improved in several areas: import of
  SmartArt and import/export of ActiveX controls, support of embedded text
  documents and spreadsheets, export of embedded videos to PPTX, export
  of cross-references to DOCX, export of MailMerge fields to DOCX, and
  improvements to the PPTX filter to prevent the creation of broken files.
- New filters for exporting Writer documents to ePub and importing
  QuarkXPress files have also been added, together with an improved filter
  for importing EMF+ (Enhanced Metafile Format Plus) files as used by
  Microsoft Office documents. Some improvements have also been added
  to the ODF export filter, making it easier for other ODF readers to
  display visuals.

The full blog entry for the 6.0 release can be found here:

The full release notes can be found here:

The libraries that LibreOffice depends on also have been udpated to their current versions.
This update was imported from multiple SLES update projects.
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