File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.18289

<patchinfo incident="18289">
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1182347">ucode-intel: 20210216 update</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1178971">intel-ucode update crashes system on boot - fixed by 20201118 release</issue>
  <summary>Recommended update for ucode-intel</summary>
  <description>This update for ucode-intel fixes the following issues:

Updated Intel CPU Microcode to 20210216 official release. (bsc#1182347 bsc#1179224)

- | Processor      | Stepping | F-M-S/PI    | Old Ver  | New Ver  | Products
- |:---------------|:---------|:------------|:---------|:---------|:---------
- | SKX-SP         | H0/M0/U0 | 06-55-04/b7 | 02006a08 | 02006a0a | Xeon Scalable
- | SKX-D          | M1       | 06-55-04/b7 | 02006a08 | 02006a0a | Xeon D-21xx
- | CLX-SP         | B0       | 06-55-06/bf | 04003003 | 04003006 | Xeon Scalable Gen2
- | CLX-SP         | B1       | 06-55-07/bf | 05003003 | 05003006 | Xeon Scalable Gen2
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